14 April, 2008


So in light of the end of last week, this week I plan on limiting my booze consumption. The plan is to reduce it during the week so not only can I avoid trying to figure out HR related issues while hungover as hell, but it might also help me get the washboards alot quicker (i.e. my abs).

I say limit because I'm not going to go cold turkey. I know it doesn't work, and quite frankly, I love the booze. Further, I think it's a bit freaky when some of my borderline alcoholic friends go cold turkey on it. They have their weird aura of uptightness to them. It's creepy.

Instead, there are several sites on the net that tell you low calorie options to drinks. I was startled (but not surprised) to find out that a Long Island is the most caloric mixed drink and that Mac N' Jacks was pretty far up there on calories per beer. Now I don't plan on sipping on vodka sodas during the week, but it's good to know what I can drink.

Another reason why not to stop drinking, check out this guy.

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