26 March, 2009

2007: Year Of The Bastard??

So according to several articles like this one, we've had the biggest baby boom in recorded US history, and of those babies born in 2007, 40% of them were BASTARDS.
For those who apparently might have forgotten what the term means, it's defined as:

1) A child born out of wedlock.
2) Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.
3) Slang A person, especially one who is held to be mean or disagreeable.
Far be it from me to be one who preaches marriage, but seriously, at what point did it become okay for people to just start having kids outside of marriage, and apparently way before they're ready.
I can't exactly figure out an arguement FOR having a bastard, but hm, whatever works I guess.

17 March, 2009

Does Anyone Hire Veterans Anymore?

So if it wasn't transparent, I lost my job back in jolly ol' October when the company I was working in HR for was shut down. I wasn't too concerned that I wouldn't find a job because I have almost 2 years experience in HR plus I have a duel Master's Degree in HR Management and HR Development. On top of that, I literally have 10 years of leadership experience, starting when I was 19 back at the crappy steak house I worked at.

Since being layed off, I have literally applied to over 200 jobs in Human Resources and Office Management, and I have only yet had one walk in job interview. I interviewed for a job training managers to be managers. Now let me caveat that I have both education and actual experience in leading soldiers, as a platoon leader (33 soldiers) upto an operations officer in charge of 7 department heads and totally responsible for about 200+ soldiers and civilians. Who did they end up giving the job to? A middle aged mother of two with 11 years recruiting experience and ZERO years experience leading subordinates. Hmmm.

My theory is this. Men don't belong in HR. Of all of my friends I've spoken to, and looking at national averages, it appears that HR is dominated by women. So I'm probably sure that the jobs I am applying for, end up going to "middle aged women, with usually 2 kids, who started as an office manager or receptionist, who is 20 years a$$ deep in HR and office work".

Forget that I'm that I'm an ex-Army Captain, Caucasian male in my 20's who has a Masters level education and over a decade worth of leadership experience both in peace time and wartime settings. Not to forget I've written Army policy that required approval at a General Officer level, andI'm school trained in everything from crisis management to information and physical security.

I know, I know. The job should go to the "most experienced". However, there still is a train of thought that preaches that maybe introducing new blood and ideas to an organization might shake things up.

I honestly thought I was ready to get out of the Army 3 years back when I exited as a Captain with as much experience and education training as I had, but I was wrrroooooong. Honestly, I just want to know...who the french toast are getting these jobs???

So...what now shall I do? Hmm....

05 March, 2009

Coward & Traitor List!

Welcome to the brand new segment which I like to call the "Coward and/or Traitor" list! This is a comprehensive list of people that just piss me off to absolutely no end and I'd just like to point it out in my own little bubble of cyberspace. Occasionally people will be added as I see fit. And you know I'm passionate about this if I'm blogging about these meat heads while I'm going through this segment in my life.

Rihanna - She is an absolute coward if and only if she actually got back together with the insignificant f**k who laid his hands on her. Why in the hell would someone that has as much power and protection as her would return to such a pile of crap? Even animals learn not to poke their nose where it hurts, so you're telling me a member of the highest eschelons of the food chain doesn't know about classical conditioning? Even more, she's a traitor to victims of abuse everywhere because this was the first opportunity since Tina Turner that such an valued, talented member of society would have the chance to publicly speak out against domestic violence. An influence that could have had the possibility to help numerous people decide to leave the situation they're in and seek help. But nope. Guess not.

Chris Brown - Coward for the fact that he lay his hands on a woman. Not just a woman, a f**king hot and talented woman. Must come from a great family. Traitor to not only men EVERYWHERE, but possibly to his genre of music. This meatball is a complete bitch. He needs to go to prison, because knowing what I know of prison culture, more then a few inmates will pay back to him double for what he did.

The F**king Duggar Family - STOOOOP BREEEDING. Cowards for the fact that the parents cannot face the fact that they had a miscarriage eons ago so now they feel like every kid they CRAP out is just another jewel in their crown in Heaven. WRONG. Traitors to the Earth because, well let's face it, if everyone bred like jack rabbits, we'd run out of natural resources in about 5 years. Oh yeah, and the fact that it's borderline child abuse in the fact that the children in this family can't get the adequate attention they need. I cannot f**king WAIT until they start hitting puberty and hit that berserk stage where drugs and sex come into play. The parents are soooooo dooomed.

Rush F**king Limbagh(er) - I never thought this a$$clown would actually be more then a no talent hack of a radio speaker, but I guess he is, so let's keep this short and to the point. Coward because he points out faults even while he's a drugged up, self-important, FAT, hypocrite. Traitor to his own political party, which honestly is just good news to the rest of us Democrats. Woohoo! Keep it up fatty!!

Lisa Pagan (pictured here with her "meat shield" children) - So if you haven't heard, the back story on this is that the above pictured pile of wah reported to duty to deploy with her two children because she claims her husband can't take care of them because he travels too much. Other then her blatant lack of knowledge regarding Soldier and Sailors Relief Act, she decided to crap all over the Uniformed Services and put this in the news instead. Soooo, COWARD in the fact that she used HER OWN FAMILY not to deploy ANNNNND abandoning not only her commitment to the Armed Forces, but also her unit. TRAITOR for pretty much the same reasons. Sure...she wanted the sweet benefits the Army offers, but doesn't want to pay the price of the occasional deployment. Hey Lisa, next time you decide to sign on the dotted line, maybe think about it first. That way you don't end up hiding behind a couple of children like a spineless sack of SHIT.

Ehren Watada (aka Deserter Extraordinaire) - 'Nuff said. This Coward/Traitor shirked his duty because he would have rather gone to Afghanistan instead of Iraq. Guess what there Ehren, this ain't Burger King! You don't get to choose. I'm sure your Platoon is proud of your ass leaving them in the time they needed a LEADER the most. As Dante pointed out "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those, who, in a time of great moral crisis, maintain their own neutrality."

Amy Wino...er...Winehouse (Damn you Dlisted) - So, this woman has been given a talent to croon that hasn't been heard literally in decades. She could possibly match the greats with little effort, but instead what does she do with her gift? CRACK! Traitor to her own self for letting her talents go to waste And to those who wish they had such talents. Coward for doing that many drugs, and wanting to be with an abusive a-hole. (Blaaaake).