I'm going to go out on a limb here and despite my recent post, I'm a gonna talk about fashion for a second. Pardon the fact that this may be a rant, but as previously discussed, I do take fashion as a back burner interest that I try not to widely broadcast at the risk of a good a$$-whoopin.
Moving forward with the solid caveat that; Yes, I am a straight man and No, I do not have a foot fetish, I'm posting this to vocalize support for the fashion designer that created this somewhat pricey footwear.
Developed by Antonio Beradi, these "heel-less high heels" are being slammed all over the net as being the fugliest footwear so far developed in man kind.
First of all, I seriously question those people who think these are bad...because I'm sure they think that flats are just the most wonderfully artistic shoe ever created (which I consider are dull, unimaginative, and make the wearer look lazy). The main criticism (which ironically is not the price) is the fact that people seem to think that they will fall immediately on their butts when their calves reach muscle failure. What they fail to realize through research is that these shoes are deceivingly built to support the wearer through the extended column that meets at the point of the foot where weight becomes distributed towards the toes.
Secondly, the idea behind fashion is new stuff, innovation. Yes, I'm sure all these fashion critics love their goofy-as-hell pointy stilletos (which I'll still never understand the concept behind showing off "toe cleavage"...because that's freakin' weird), or their frumpy-as-f#$k Uggs, which are even MORE slovenly then flats! I guarentee once several key celebs start sporting these bad boys to award shows six to eight months from now, designers and critics will be eating their own words.
Looking beyond the fact that these shoes may be uncomfortable, they're accomplishing exactly what both fashion and art desire to elicit...emotional response. Be it good response, bad response...any response means that this has succeeded at being original and inventive. If people gave it the standard "meh" that normal foot wear gets, then I would agree that this is a failure.
I think these are a pair of rockin' kicks...and yes, you heard a straight guy rant fashion here first.
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