17 March, 2008

Am I Winning?

Everyday when I wake up, I have a point scale to figure out if my day is going good or bad. I subconsciously tally it out at the end of everyday to decide if I can go to be happy or not. This point scale is called "cool points". I've been known even to award or take them from other people, who ironically don't know what I'm talking about, but they get excited nonetheless. So let's review this day thus far:

o Woke up on time - Add 5 pts
o Woke up sober and/or not hungover - Add 10 pts
o Actually got a treadmill at the gym - Add 10 pts
o Gym was not 1k degrees - Add 5 pts
o Had to run next to a woman who had a freaky gait on the treadmill - Subtract 5 points
o Witnessed a guy literally lying on a racketball court reading a paper - Subract 5 points
o Realized paper reading guy is worthless to society - Add 5 points
o Cat climbing my bare leg while shaving - Subtract 10 points
o Punted cat across bathroom - Subtract 10 points
o Realized PETA wasn't watching - Add 5 points
o Instilled discipline on cat - Add 5 points
o Ran late to get out the door - Subtract 5 points
o Got to report HOV violator - Add 5 points
o Making coffee at work, spilled entire filter of coffee grounds on breakroom floor - Subract 20
o Tried to clean up with paper towels, epic fail - Subtract 10 points
o Pushed it all under the counter and got out before anyone saw me - Add 5 points
o Coffee I ultimately made tastes like nasty crap - Subtract 10 points
o Still recieved massive buzz from one cup of said nasty coffee - Add 5 points
o Won first game of MSN Texas Hold'Em online - Add 10 points

***So far, I've managed to break even. Planning on drinkin' some beeeeyah tonight, so hopefully I'll end this day on the plus side.

1 comment:

ESCAP1ST said...