With that said, I present the Epic Bachelor couch. A divine sitting device I picked up inside a week of reporting to duty at Fort Leonard Wood. This couch has served me well, mostly for napping and gaming since 2001. This 8+ foot beast has conquered movers, walls it's bumped into, and even weathered the two cats. Nicknamed "Edgar" in it's remaining days, I wish I had moved to a bigger place that I could have kept a hold of this faithful monster just a few more years.
Unfortunately that was not the case. And in the fact that I couldn't even give this away on Craigslist, I did what any reluctant sofa owner would do. I had a friend come over, saw the f**ker in half, and help me stuff it into a 6 foot dumpster. I'm pretty sure I didn't break any illegal dumping laws, and saved myself $20 in the process.
I hope you rest as well as I have rested on you my dear couch "Edgar"...I will always miss your constantly shifting cushions.

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