Per usual, I've never been one to strike up lively conversations in the offensive mode. I'm just not that guy. Not the kind of guy sitting on an airplane, or standing in an elevator, or even...so help me, the guy in the urinal next to you, that will just fire up a conversation about sports or the economy or whatever pointless oxygen burn session any human can fire off. Just not me...occasionally, when I'm toasty enough...it might happen.
At any rate, letting my conversation run away on me. Today at lunch, I began to space out amid my Kung Pao Chicken and my Spicy Noodles and somehow remembered something embarrassing that happened to me. I don't know about other people, but it always seems with me that I tend to shutter...visibly when I remember such horrific incidents as being shut down by a girl in public or so on and so on.
I don't believe anyone saw me reflecting because it was a pretty traumatic incident ,and I shuttered enough to spill a lot of soy sauce all over my plate. Epic.
And no...I wouldn't dream of posting that kind of stuff on here. It's so bad that I wouldn't even trust my own blogger anonymity to it. ;)
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