It's very rare that we all three assemble in the same location, as obviously we're well spread out, and copious amounts of crap to do in our own lives. However, in the rare occasion that we do all link up, I like to think of it as a figurative "familial Voltron".
Oldest brother would most likely be considered the brains of the operation. He's been to Vegas before (while middle brother and I have not), he knows the territory pretty well, and knows what spots to see and avoid.
Middle brother brings both the cynicism and the resistance to intoxicants. Serious, I don't think I could ever fathom going toe to toe with him because I'm positive I would loose. Despite my constant run-ins with Everclear, he downs Jack like it's water. Yeesh.
So I guess that leaves me, and all I bring to the table is a curiosity to do stupid things. Beyond being 2nd in the lead for best drinker, I have a bad habit of getting into some sh#t when I get toasty...so I'll try to dial down the stupid...at least for that weekend.
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