The reason for this is due to my visit to the parents house in Idaho over the weekend. I've discovered just how close to evil their cat is. If you go to youtube and run a search for "angry cat"...if you can somehow imagine that multiplied by at least 10, that would be their cat.
Long story short, the cat ended up getting out of the house (indoor cat), and rather then watch my aging parents attempt to catch him, I took it upon myself to try to rope him in. This was a huge mistake. Despite the fact the cat has no front claws, he's made it very apparent that his teeth will serve him very well when needed.
After pinning the cat who is freaking out to the ground, the only way to transfer him back to the house is via cardboard box. Before we're able to literally box the cat up, he managed to not only bite both of my thumbs several times...but also somehow manipulated himself into dooking all over my hand.
Now honestly, I've never choked out an animal before, so although temping, I guess I can strike that off my list of firsts after this event. I would have worried about permanently injuring the cat, however, every time I loosened my death grip around the cats neck, his tail would once again start swinging rapidly and he would start growling like no tomorrow.
Fast forward two days later, and the cat still hates me as much as he did prior to us going toe to toe. I can't (literally) look at him, say his name, or stand withing 10 feet of him without him rearing up, hissing, and swinging at me.
This cat would truly make both PETA and the ASPCA rethink their organizational purposes.
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