Now I say I debated putting this entry in because usually when guys gush about female footwear, it means one of two things: 1) They're clearly gay. But even then, it's usually only trannies or queens that do this, or 2) They're flaming perverts. Be it a sick fascination with female clothing, or just a shoe fetish in general, it's pretty wrong.
I can assure I am neither, but despite me being a sucker for certain fashions, I will submit the following. Most people associate boots with either work or war, both of which exude a certain level of challenge. Chicks that wear boots get this transferrence of confidence that would be required to take on a challenge. And the fact that boots either require really tight pants and/or a skirt doesn't hurt either. This is further emphasized by alot of women in metal bands (as pointed out by the ever awesome Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil seen above).
I guess to sum it up to women that might not equate it, it would be the equivalent of a guy walking down the street with a tight shirt on. If not the same reason for attraction, definately the equal effect with most guys. I've seen guys damn near get whiplash when a boot wearin' cutie walks by. And I know not just because they're cute because I've heard the ensuing comments, and oddly enough, usually from Soldiers. This goes back to my "work or war" theory...either that or because most women refer to heeled boots as "f$*k-me boots".
Take it from an observant straight guy ladies, heels exude femininity, boots exude confidence, and flats exude an abhorrant disregard for your wardrobe.
Further more, Uggs don't count because they make you look stuck up. And flat soled boots don't count because they make you look like a trailor park dominatrix. And for the record before this fashion faux pas gets out of hand for Fall 2007, ankle length boots like horrific.
Chicks in Boots - Take-you-on-a-date-and-rock-your-world Heroines
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