26 November, 2007

Who Let The Crazy Get Cold?

So occasionally during the weekends, I get random thoughts. Unfortunately, I never keep a timely log of these, so I usually forget them...but here's a small glass of crazy from my crazy stream of thought.

- Any Xbox Game with an alien lesbian sex scene is alright by me.

- Why is it that in "The Little Engine That Could", the main character is rewarded with success after many attempts to conquer a challenge, however, in "Moby Dick", one of the main characters is punished with being harpooned to a whale, only after attempting to conquer a challenge?

- Who the hell thought it a good idea to put giblets in anything (i.e. gravy, stuffing, etc), nonetheless actually cook and eat the damn things.

- I would NEVER stand outside Walmart for 3 hours in the freezing cold on Black Friday just so I could shop at 5 am. Even if they were giving out free cars and handjobs, I would NEVER consider doing that crap.

- (ref: above) F#*k K-Mart!

- What do my cats do when I'm not home?

And finally...

- WTF Zemekis? You've cranked out top quality hits like Back to the Future, but then you take a story that's almost 1000 years old and rearrange it just so that Angelina can be extra-naked and the story can have a perfect plot line? Geez! What you did to the character of Beowulf would be the equivelent of making Superman cry at the site of sick puppies.

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