08 November, 2007

All Things In Moderation

So always in an effort to remain positive, I try to think about the things I do on a daily basis that will keep me healthy and will promote a long and healthy life. I do things such as:

- Eat vegetables quite often during the week
- Don't smoke
- Exercise at least three times a week
- Drink plenty of fluids (i.e. water, tea, etc)
- Take multi-vitamins
- Get about 7 hours of sleep
- Wear my seatbelt

So forth and so on, trying to do what's right for my health. Then I remember stuff that will immediately kill you such as brain embelisms, cardiac arrest, car accidents, natural disasters, etc.etc.etc., and I remember that too much of a healthy thing is just as bad. Never hurts to have a couple of vices right?

Memento Mori

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