15 November, 2007

Anatomy Of An Accomplishment

Main Entry: ac·com·plish·ment
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈkäm-plish-mənt, -ˈkəm-\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1: the act of accomplishing : completion
2: something that has been accomplished : achievement
3 a: a quality or ability equipping one for society b: a special skill or ability acquired by training or practice

Apparently many people in American society has lost track of what truly is acheiving a goal and accomplishing something. Referencing the definition above, I would like to point out what is and is not an accomplishment.

Getting an "A" is an accomplishment

Getting an "A for effort" is NOT an accomplishment

Cultivating a skill in an individual sport (i.e. running) is an accomplishment

Cultivating a skill in video games (i.e. Halo) is NOT an accomplishment

Being married for 10+ years is an accomplishment

Just getting married is NOT an accomplishment

Being recognized by the community as being a valuable citizen is an accomplishment

The mere act of not going to jail is NOT an accomplishment

Giving to or donating to a charity of your own free will is an accomplishment

Subsequently claiming it on your tax returns makes it NOT an accomplishment

Treating your significant other like they're #1 in the world is an accomplishment

The simple act of not hitting them is NOT an accomplishment

Being successful at your job and being respected by your peers is an accomplishment

Just having a job is NOT an accomplishment

And finally...are you listening?
Having a child that grows up to be happy, healthy, and successful is an accomplishment
The mere act of having a child is NOT BY ANY MEANS a freaking accomplishment
***Bear that in mind for you next High School Reunion.

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