24 January, 2008

No Water Here

Last night marked the unofficial last day of the medium sobriety I've been going through as this was intended only to go until the end of January. I decided to hang off the wagon alittle bit, and sure enough, before I knew it, I was on the ground and the wagon rolled over me.

Bad is waking up and realizing that you're still drunk. Worse is realizing your still drunk and you have an important teleconference later that afternoon. Downright lame is realizing that it's already 8:45am and you're late for work.

Not all was lost however. I batted a thousand in the conference call (still drunk) and competed a few frightening tasks to boot. I'm not sure if its the extra energy from all the booze, or if it was a desparate bid to my insecure self to prove to others I didn't drink last night. Either way, I apparently am more functional when I'm still crispy from the previous night.

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