22 August, 2007

Take A Walk Down Grumpiness Lane

Most often you hear people say they need to go for a walk and "take inventory of what is good in their life". F-that. As I am a firm believer in the fact that life is good with the absence of pain, rather then the presence of good. Allow me to provide you the inventory of what pissed me off in the last 24 hours:

- Going to the store to buy one item, and I get behind a shopper who picked the farthest flung merchandise that didn't have a barcode

- The fact that only recently has the news started bringing up the idea of breeding licenses and/or parental training

- Being panhandled pretty much where ever I go in Seattle

- I STILL live next to a major road, and STILL have to listen to the sound of exhaust over-equipped vehicles burning up and down said road at 3 a.m.

- Toilet paper that doesn't rip evenly

- That I have a pretty low to nominal workload until about 3 p.m., then everything needs to be done immediately.

*Hm...only five I count off the top of my head, I know there must be more..

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