30 August, 2007

A Can of Whoopass But No Can Opener

There have been days since the Army where I honestly missed the opportunity to go fight crime or the potential to go to war. Moving from a job where you're entire role in an organization is to "close with and destroy the enemy", to a job where your entire role is to "kiss the customers ass while they fart on your face" (ahem. Kmart) is just very dizzying.
I firmly believe that many people in the Army thrive on conflict....usually moreso when they win. I can remember situations during law enforcement where I'd get into a scuffle with a few subjects and my fellow MP's were there to help me. When it was all said and done, even if a few were bruised and/or bleeding, everyone was amped and wanted more. Or even in Iraq when I can recall Humvee's loaded with MP's hooting and hollering as they drove out the gate on the way to an ongoing fire fight.
Hmm. Looking back, either we're gluttons for pain, or we're flat out crazy.

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