On the forefront of my mind is pretty much hoping I don't end up careeing off the road into a ditch tomorrow on my quest to go home.
Here's to ya!
My own bubble of cyber space to inscribe my less-then-conventional thought patterns as they arise.
So many people say "if I ruled the world", but usually only at a time when they're getting pissed off about something (i.e. traffic jams, taxes). I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that's seriously thought about how I'd run a country (not the world because who seriously wants to handle that mess?). While I really don't have the time during my blogging time to write out entire levels of government and exacting laws, I can put down bullets of information about the general gist of "Azurael Land".
National Budget
- No foreign country gets any monetary aid until we fix our own crap.
- Senators & Congressmen cannot approve their own raises.
- A National Lottery will be implimented, and only those with a yearly income of less then $70,000 can compete.
- Universities and colleges will be monitored by the state, and cannot increase enrollment fees except to compensate for inflation.
- Schools who participate in team sports will receive no state or federal funds. Only schools that foster individual sports will receive support.
- All funds freed up from the pit that is team sports will be reinvested into teacher's pay, teaching materials, and after school programs.
- Any teacher or group that strikes will have their teaching certificate revoked permanently. You do not become a teacher to get rich.
- In order to receive citizen status, all individuals will be required to serve 2 years in any branch of the military.
- Those who do not serve are not allowed to vote, buy alcohol, work for the government, receive any monetary aid from the government, or breed.
- During times of war fighting organized militaries, the Geneva Convention will be strictly enforced.
- During times of war fighting terrorists, the Geneva Convention will be completely ignored.
- The military will at all time keep giant stocks of napalm, flamethrowers, and Agent Orange.
- Juries will be comprised of professionals trained in criminal justice and understand the system and its quarks thoroughly. Unlike todays panel of complete idiots.
- In the evidence that video or DNA evidence can accurately identify the suspect, the suspect will be immediately sentanced and ineligible for appeals.
- All prisions will be maximum security & solitary confinement. They will also be located 1/2 mile below ground, and can be flooded in the event of a riot.
- All justice officials (i.e. police, judges, political figures) who commit crimes will be subject to double punishment.
- Pro-sports teams would not exist. Period.
- Individual sports would be encouraged.
- Abtract art will be considered disturbing the peace, and ticketed accordingly.
- Interpretive dance will be considered assault on each person who witnesses it.
- Jazz will be considered an atrocity.
---More to come later!
Whenever I'm asked a question about benefits or insurance I don't understand, I just counter with this.
So as noted last week, I had almost 100% triumphantly conquered enrolling an entire company by myself in several fields of benefits. I had that stomped flat today when I realized that I was sitting on the enrollment materials for a new life insurance carrier that arrived late last week. So now I'm playing the "hurry up and sign game" all over again. Gee whiz, thankfully it's something piddly like life insurance that I'm herding employees through the enrollment process.
On top of that, I learned something quirky about my cats. I learned that they now are familiar with the sound of my cell phone alarm I use to wake up in the morning. Typically set early morning so I can go to the gym, if I decide not to go and they hear it anyway, they usually end up kicking down the door and running all over me until I have no other choice then to get up.
This weekend is off to an awesome start. Ugh.
- Passenger of the vehicle has an intrinsic obligation to warn said operator of the vehicle when it is clear to proceed, merge, or otherwise turn to a location where the possibility of a collision may occur Remove 2 negative Karma Points
- There was no Mens Rea of myself in firing upon or through a minor in order to display discontent or anger towards the other operator of the vehicle. Further more, said display of finger will not only desensitive possible future operator to the rules of the road, it will also cement in her mind how her mother operated the vehicle incorrectly Remove 1 negative Karma Point
*So, I end up after all of it with negative 2 Karma points. I figure that's worth a parking ticket or a really bad cold sore.
So in light of recent, healthier changes to my diet, I stop from time to time and reflect on what my diet consisted of during the great Army days when I was working near around the clock and burning calories like no end.
I can remember one time after running 18.6 miles to get the coveted Germed Armed Forces Military Efficiency Badge, I ate an entire large pizza by myself and polished it off with a six pack. (Which for a 145 lb. guy at the time, that's pretty impressive)
Or another time when I ate almost three "Hungry Man" dinners. Talk about marketing irony.
That's why such things like cup o noodles and all other bite size sample foods (i.e. pizza rolls, pez) just piss me off. Why can't we make them enormous size? Jim Gaffigan brought up a good point about the industry size of ketchup packets. Why that much? It's never enough!
Anyway, I'm pretty much rambling because I've been kneedeep in insurance sign-ups here at work for going on two weeks. Might take a while to get my blogging mojo back.
Until then, I'll have the #6 large with a diet, no mustard!
So this weekend, the Oregon-B will be coming up for a short lived stay of debatchery and drunkeness. I'm pretty sure we'll be attempting to recall our year in college together, however, now introduce livers of steel, a penchant for XBox Live, and severe and infallable craving for Jack In The Box Ultimate Cheeseburgers. All of this times the fact that Oregon-B probably hasn't cashed in his crazy tickets in a while will promise for a good time.
I'm reminded many times of being stuff in our tiny college apartment either playing Final Fantasy, getting ready to go to school, or attempting to eat every last pizza in our hometown in one sitting. Only a few times did we have parties there, because again, it was freaking tiny. But still, a good drunk fest had by all.
I'm pretty sure Monday's blog will be very interesting to say the least.
Good times - Noodle salad.
Foreign Adoption - Do we hate our own countrymen this much that we decide that "exotic" children are better then the homegrown? No, I know, it's apparently more "charitable" to adopt from foreign countries because otherwise the babies would grow up in poverty. Nooo, even better, it's "easier" to adopt from those countries then it is from the United States...Hmm, very intriguing arguments, but they're all as dumb as the parents that believe them. I can't even begin to see an ethical reason that justifies adopting foreign children over domestic. It might be easier to do, but at the cost of de-regulation, you also have babies being stolen for the black market, and I would go so far as to argue that this would encourage parents who can't support children overseas to have them anyway, so some American can swing in and scoop a couple up at $10k a pop. More charitable? What about the thousands of foster kids that get bounced around the United States year after year? Apparently just because they're being abused in a First World Country, it makes these parents more holy to adopt from kids being abused in a Third World Country. If you're in such a mad rush to get your hands on a kid and be parents, buy a f#*king dog instead. If you're ready to be responsible parents, you might just be patient enough to wait.
Circumcision - Ah yes, one of the questions once again being called up and being labeled "abuse" by the weaker parents that apparently believe that they shouldn't make any efforts to do what's good for the child without the child's consent. So let's review the facts. This procedure has been proven to reduce cancer, reduce the risk of STD transmission, and increase the amount of stimulation during sex. Hm, sounds good. Let's look at the negatives...hmmm, can't really seem to find any...hmm. Now, let's review some of the "not-fit-to-be-parents" arguments. First - "it's barbaric", no, it's a medical procedure that causes no lasting pain or disfigurement in the person's life. Second "the kid should be allowed to choose the procedure when they're old enough" - I can't imagine, at any time, where I would elect to have this done at my age. I'm pretty much past my sexual prime, so barring safe sex practices, it would have been pointless to elect this procedure now. Third - "it's an unjustifiable tribute to God" - Alrighty. My parent elected this procedure for me (yeah, I said it), and I know that it wasn't done with the intent of following the Judo-Christian belief that makes it a point to do so. They did it out of concern for my future health. My parents did something they knew would be beneficial for me...which makes it GOOD, even if they didn't ask...that what called "being parents" means. And finally my favorite - "it's no different then the sexual mutilation of females in Africa" - Okay, back the f#(king Rice-O-Roni trolley up as we review biology. Despite the fact that, yes, men and women both have gentals in the same region, they are, by no means wired exactly the same. Last I checked, I've can experience 100% feeling in my goods, and for those women that comment about the hideous scar, I see my goods everyday and there isn't a scar to be seen.
Sleep - Why the hell is it that when I was 8 or 9, I was required to be in bed no later then 8 pm...but now when I'm going to Denny's after a heavy night of drinking and booze related debatchery, I'm seeing 1 and 2 year olds sitting across the way from me at 1 am? At what point did parents decide that in order to ensure their night life didn't suffer, they'd just keep their snotlings up with them? I am still waiting for the day that I go to either a porno store or a bar and see some parent in there with a kid slung over their shoulder. Are you f#(king kidding me. At some point the balance of self-sacrifice tipped from pointing at the parents to pointing at the kids. My parents pretty much resigned a nightlife at the birth of my oldest brother. Sure, occasionally a neighbor's teen was hired to babysit on the few instances that they were REQUIRED to attend an Army function, but at no point can I fathom being 5 years old, at sitting at some resturant well past 10 pm.
In closing, my rant is boiled down to this fact. Not everyone is fit to be a parent. Just because you are a parent, doesn't mean you're a good one. If and when you have a kid, it is YOUR responsibility. Just because the saying is "it takes a village to raise a child" that sure as hell doesn't mean the village wants to. It is every parents obligation to make the tough choices which will better their child, even if it's "hard". If you take the "I'm-going-to-be-their-best-friend" approach, you will not only fail miserably as a parent, but you'll put another self absorbed dumba$$ into the world as well. As for me, I plan on circumcising, vaccinating, spanking, and bottle feeding my children. They sure as hell won't have a video game console, and they sure as hell will eat their vegetables. McDonald's won't even be in their vocabulary.
And Mad Props To This Guy - The Ultimate Word in ParentingSo over the weekend, my average score in life has been less then stellar. Let's review shall we?
- Cats took a ginormous dook in the carrier right when we go to the Vet, requiring me to announce it immediately to the Vet's assistant upon arrival.
- Tried making Jambalya for the first time, too spicy.
- Played Halo 3 Sunday morning. Not being used to this, by body inferred it as being night time, and I started to drink.
- In said process of gaming and drinking, not only did I forget to eat all day (which is why I ended up trashed), but I also blinked out at around 6pm and waking up at 2 am and wondering why I was on the couch, and why I was wide awake.
- In said process following gaming and drinking, I learned that despite not being drunk or even hungover, apparently the body loses ALL muscular strength and endurance when you haven't eaten in over 24 hours. Suffice to say, the treadmill beat me down good.
- Having really not eaten until after I was at work, let's just say my seven story stair climb was less then awesome today.
-And to add, Towel-Returning-Girl was at the gym this morning.
-Finally, a moment of Blog silence for my oldest brother's blog coming to an end. Citing too much work and personal issues, he's "letting the stage go dark" on his blog. My brothers and I never had a real close relationship until recently, so I really appreciated the opportunity to see into his thoughts, and get what he actually remembered about the family and growing up. Maybe now I'll tell him that I've been reading his blog every morning since discovering it. He's been blogging for several years now, and I can confidently say I read and savored every post.
So over the weekend, I decided it was time to get my haircut renewed as it was starting to make me feel like a damn dirty hippy. I went to the same location as I usually go (*cough*Supercuts*cough*) and proceeded to commence the standard 20 minute wait for a on par haircut.
Now before I go further, allow me to put this all into reference. Army barber shops are 100% the reverse of civilians. Instead of there being a line of 10 people and 2 barbers, Army barber shops usually have between 5-7 barbers at all times. (The Army barber shop is run by AAFES, a civilan contractor business that caiters exclusively to the military - you can also go to "The Strip" which is the area outside Army posts that are usually barber shops, laundrymats, dry cleaners, and porn stores) These shops are 100% for men, for if you're female, you need to go to the beauty salon next door (same deal...about 3-5 stylists there - same price). These barbers are usually wives of servicemen, elderly folk that need a job, or relatives of Korean families. They are demonically fast at cutting hair, mostly because military don't walk in and want to have a quaff of hair like Colin Farrell. However, they are quick to adapt to any spin off of the buzz-cut and generally do a good job. In my time in the Army, I usually kept an inch or so of hair, and the quickest haircut I received was well under 2 minutes. The cost in and about the Army post is usually about 4-6 bucks.
So back to the story. In the process of waiting 20 minutes and listing to the hair stylists banter on about their kids and how having them is supposed to make them instantly good people, I realized I drank too much tea for breakfast, and had to use the bathroom. Of course upon my return, I learned I had lost my spot in line, but understandably so. So I continued waiting. A full hour after getting there (including bathroom time), I'm finally called to a station amidst angry stares from multi-child parents who obviously believe they took priority because it was their little puke-ling's first haircut. I proceed to explain what I want to the stylist the way I have been doing for the past seven years. "Medium fade with some off the top, no skin". She proceeds to gear up and apparently with no regard for the "some off the top", buzzes my head at the same length all over. The shock I felt as she buzzed directly through my bangs quickly resigned to more of a "son of a b$tch, I can't wear a hat to work" attitude. She even decided to point out, as though I didn't already know having lived with it for almost 30 odd years, that I had an especially pointy occipital bone. Derr.
So in losing an hour of my life, wading through a sea of grubby, snot nosed little carpet rats, and getting my hair screwed up for the next 3-5 weeks, I only had to pay $15.
I almost gave Supercuts the WTF logo, but decided otherwise because I'm hoping this is an isolated incident. If not, they're getting it twice fold.
I'm always happy to see when people reach certain goals they've set for themselves. Be it losing weight, stop smoking, or otherwise. But one goal that really confuses me is when people, who historically love coffee to the point where'd they'd make out with Juan Valdez, decide they need to quit drinking caffinated coffee, if not coffee altogether.
I first began my taste for coffee in high school. Growing up in a small town, all there was to do was go to the local resturant and drink coffee and talk with friends. Given at first, I hated the taste of it like no other, I eventually got used to it...even so far as I only take one packet of sugar in it occasionally. I laugh because this makes most people cringe. It's been my proverbial "tackling fuel" all through college and the Army, and I still pound down a gallon or two a week, just to keep in good stead (and it helps me get through the slow HR times).
I can understand that people think that just because this is an "addiction" (i.e. there's adverse biological reactions to not "getting your fix" after you've drank coffee for a while), it's not exactly the evil that being addicted to alcohol or drugs is. Short of staining your teeth and getting alittle caffinated buzz on it, there are no known downsides of drinking coffee. I'm not sure what these people imagine is really in it, but all it truely is is a big cup of burnt bean boiling water.
Referencing the following links, you can even see how it can help you. Up to and including reducing your chances of diabetes, Parkinson's, colon cancer, liver cirrosis, and gallstones to name a few. Hell, it even reduces the amount of lung and liver damage from heavy smoking and drinking!
Again, with one day while putting the WTF tyrade to a rest, I sincerely question people's motives when they decide to put down the coffee cup. Sure while tea is good too, and no, I don't condone the 300 calorie triple-mocha-frappa-spanka-wheezy from Starbucks that cost $5, I will argue that unless it's the price of coffee that's deterring you ($1?), you better not be a bandwagon "I'm quitting coffee" and start bragging around me, I'll dump a big ol' cup in your crotch.
Me and Folger's are like brothers son!
Link 1 - So you quit?So as Halloween arrives and everyone is buying their crappy and/or slutty costumes for the year, I'm reminded of where I was last year at this time. In Iraq? Noooo, much worse, Kmart.
Lemme tell you alittle bit about how holiday season goes. Behind the walls and doors of your local Kmart...oh, about September or so, stock piles of Christmas crap start cumulating to crazy amounts. By December, it will be pretty much 100% of their backstock, so don't even bother asking if they are still selling lawn mowers.
Even moreso, their employees by this point have been stripped of any morale they have because Christmas not only produces the most backward a$$ f#4ks to come out of the woodwork and shop (because apparently Internet shopping is too easy for them), but also because higher management is getting a proverbial stiffy about how much $$ they're going to make in a few weeks. I can remember being on a conference call with a bunch of other managers-in-training (a.k.a. Future-alcoholics) when one of the district managers and/or sales persons said "if you're not excited about the Christmas shopping season, then you should look for a new line of work". Ironically the day before that, I had applied to a crap ton of jobs online.
Employees were also held under the scrutiny of the "mystery shopper", essentially a customer hired by corporate to come in and rate employees on appearance, knowledge, and "the ten foot rule". The ten foot rule requires employees to acknowledge all customers that come within ten feet. Huh, that's funny. I thought when I left the Army, I didn't have to salute and acknowledge people any more. These mystery shoppers nailed employees a$$es to the wall time after time, by name, for employees failing to do this...even when they did, or when they were perhaps, stocking shelves?
Also...managers weren't called managers, they were called "coaches". Which is funny because I've never been on a sports team that if the coach cut me from the team, I stopped earning a living. And coaches should be working harder then the team....Kmart upper management on Christmas eve? At home with their families. All other Kmart employees? At work dealing with urban white trash and Lushy McReturnalot.
The biggest callous I have with Kmart, is their constant saying of "shopping experience". It's never a "beer run" or a "oil run", or even a "I'm going to bring my whiny, bratty a$$ child in to make a giant mess, buy nothing, and leave run". It's a f$#king "shopping experience". I can't remember the last store I went into, why? Most likely because it was a "transparent shopping experience", not positive, not negative. I don't want employees constantly asking me if I need help, nor snapping to attention and saluting me. I don't want to see them. If I have a problem, they should be stationed at various points in the store so I can go and ask (which I never do or will..because if a store is set up right, you shouldn't need to). From the time I walk in the door, to the time I hit the register, I don't want to be talked to, touched, or catered too. Apparently Kmart execs have some form of infantilism that they feel needs to be spread throughout the land.
Just the management & corporation and any member that "believes" in it.
So in watching my most recent post of my favorite (and only) sports commontator, Fitzy, I noticed that perhaps all these years I've been wrong about a few things. The premium one to point out, is the fact that video gamers (aka "gamers") and sports fans (aka Jocks) have many things in common when "participating" in their select event. I say "participating" due to the fact that when I game, I'm actually affecting the outcome of the game. Now jocks, despite the fact that they refer to their favorite team as "we", do nothing to affect the outcome while watching their game.
All that aside, let's look at some of the things that sports fans and gamers have in common:
o The obvious one is that we both freak out and get pissed off when our team/side loses. This is most evident with sports fans by cussing, talking smack, throwing food, and ripping apart those little velcro referees. It is similiarly acted out in gamers by cussing, claiming the game cheated, and throwing their controllers.
o Both groups always try to get together to enjoy their entertainment of choice. Usually sports fans will get together at a house with a big screen, wear goofy sports apparel, eat pizza, drink beer, and hit the bathroom at half-time. Gamers, on the other hand, will usually get together at a house with a big screen (if using a gaming console), wear goofy nerd apparel, eat chips, drink Mt. Dew, and hit the bathroom between deathmatches or at every save point.
o Both groups always get overly defensive about their teams/games, and ESPECIALLY about star characters from their selected field of entertainment. Try talking smack to a Red Sox fan about Manny Ramirez, first Red Sox World Series MVP (had to google it). This would be the same as talking smack to any Halo fan about Master Chief. Further more, just as sports fans have a hard time agreeing on which generation of their favorite team played the best, gamers have a hard time agreeing on which chapter in a favorite game (i.e. Final Fantasy) was the best.
o Both groups scrutinez every detail of their sport/game. Loyal baseball fans know, for instance, every stat of every player in their favorite team, including hometown, hobbies, and favorite color. Gamers, specifically genre players (i.e. first person shooter, real time strategy) know the game down to the development history, all character histories, designer, and production teams. If they're really good, they know the type of "engine" that runs it.
o Furthermore, both groups can talk in complex languages. Just as a sports fan can tell you what a batting average of .333 means, a gamer can tell you what a 3D6+12 save means (yes, those stats are used also in video games).
So there are a few examples of how what seems to be a large wall between two groups of people is actually pretty thing.
But for the record, Master Chief can still kick anyone's a$$.
As per a usual poet or writer, I find myself best able to write when I'm dealing with a certain level of daily stress. Today has fallen short of that valuable resource, so once again (although limited), I find myself running severely low on blog/creative juice.
To make sure no one suffers from my shortcomings as a blogger, please enjoy this video on how a rather large piece of machinery digs tunnels. Gotta learn something new everyday right?