I normally do not do my best blog creation thinking while I'm sitting at my desk. Usually when I'm plugged into my desk, I'm dealing with workplace insurance nightmares, or trying to figure out certain state and federal laws as they pertain to the workplace. Sure, I could ask the lawyer we have on retainer, but that cost about a million dollars per 10 minute increment.
No, most of my thinking occurs usually when I'm on the can (I don't read all that much anyway, unless it's the instruction manual of a new game I got - and you can take that mental image to the bank), in the bathtub (yes, I'm a guy and I still take baths - But I'd like to point out I can nearly belch the entire alphabet and eat a whole pizza by myself, so they offset), or on the drive to work.
As a guideline, I prefer to keep my blog non-political because I'm sure people hear enough about that, and I try to restrain from mocking celebrities when they final get the cold, hard, hammer of ironic justice.
I guess the blog is a way of me firing off random thoughts much like radio waves fly off to who-knows-where into space. Wherever they end up, so be it. But unlike the radio waves, I don't want people to know exactly where they're coming from because you never know who's gonna get them.
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