1) Human Resources - Get to wade through piles of unintelligible insurance paperwork and benefits inquiries. Spend hours on end dealing with brokers over issues concerning non-payment to overpriced doctors. Develop countless policies that both employees and employers hate, but still are necessary evils. Spend days on EEO-1 reports and other federally required stipulations.
2) Kmart Retail - Spend hours stocking shelves while listing to the worst hits of the 80's and 90's. Constantly listening to whiney kids and crying babies. General public trys to belittle me just because they can't return an item they bought and broke through negligence 3 years ago. Get to hear nonstop conference calls about the exciting experience that is selling great volumes of socks.
3) Military Police Law Enforcement - Working late hours, going toe to toe with drunken Marines. Locating and subsequently destroying the military careers of corrupt Officers and Senior NCO's. Pepperspraying and subduing teenagers that believe they're from the rough streets of a military base. Running speed & dui checkpoints, and in the process being accountable for writing over 100+ citations in less then four hours.
Hmmm...well gee, that's a tough choice.
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