Avril: That's me?
Punk Cop: I'm here to revoke your Punk license. According to my records, you've had your hands on this way longer then you should have.
Avril: But I am punk! Nobody understands my music!
Punk Cop: Is this you on the cover of Cosmo talking about sex secrets?
Avril: Yes
Punk Cop: Have you on more then one occasion worn designer clothing?
Avril: Yes...but I make a devil sign upside down! That's punk right?
Punk Cop: Negative. I flashed the devil sign during my Senior Year photo in High School and you don't see me touring with the Ramones do you?
Avril: Well, if I'm losing this license...what license will get to replace it? A rock license?
Punk Cop: Doubtful. If and when it's actually designed, you'll probably get the same license Ashlee Simpson gets. I am so sorry.
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