I doing so, I've also been able to recall what are pretty much some of the top 10 things I hope never to hear and/or see at a party, and the epilogue of what the usual outcome is.
10. "It's not my beer Officer"
Epilogue - It doesn't matter
9. "I can't believe my ex had the nerve to show up..."
Epilogue - Massive grudge boinking
8. "All we have left is Miller High Life!"
Epilogue - Party stops for an epic beer run
7. "All the stores are closed dude."
Epilogue - Miller High Life ensues
6. "Who wants something from (insert fast food chain of choice here)
Epilogue - Massive vomiting ensues
5. "Don't worry what it is, just drink it!"
Epilogue - Turns out to be pretty much anything but good.
4. "Dude, you're pretty wasted...are you sure that was a fart?"
Epilogue - Nope, no it wasn't a fart
3. "Dude, I'm not gonna make it"
Epilogue - He doesn't make it.
2. "Hey, you're not looking so good"
Epilogue - Next time stage the bucket ahead of time
1. "Come on now, we're all friends here..."
Epilogue - Some sort of nudity occurs
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