Vaccinations - Not since the "bad-old times" have I ever seen such a cluster f*&k of parents on the "the vaccinations might make my kids sick" bandwagon. Furthermore, apparently they believe that their "right" to choose as to whether their kids will be immunized against life threatening illnesses is acceptable to come at the price of endangering other children. Given, most vaccinations will injure or several harm 1 in 100,000 or more, but seriously? When it was time to get my first slew of vaccines in the Army (to INCLUDE the, at the time controversial, Anthrax vaccine) I took ALL of them. Why? Decreases my overall chance of getting sick, and prevents my peers from the same. My solution for this is simple, parents don't want to get their kids vaccinated? Nooo problem. Your kids can't attend any public schools, parks, swimming areas, recreational facilities. Hell, even if they wanted to, they couldn't step foot in a Post Office. It's not your right as a parent, it's your moral f#*king obligation to your fellow humans to do this.
Foreign Adoption - Do we hate our own countrymen this much that we decide that "exotic" children are better then the homegrown? No, I know, it's apparently more "charitable" to adopt from foreign countries because otherwise the babies would grow up in poverty. Nooo, even better, it's "easier" to adopt from those countries then it is from the United States...Hmm, very intriguing arguments, but they're all as dumb as the parents that believe them. I can't even begin to see an ethical reason that justifies adopting foreign children over domestic. It might be easier to do, but at the cost of de-regulation, you also have babies being stolen for the black market, and I would go so far as to argue that this would encourage parents who can't support children overseas to have them anyway, so some American can swing in and scoop a couple up at $10k a pop. More charitable? What about the thousands of foster kids that get bounced around the United States year after year? Apparently just because they're being abused in a First World Country, it makes these parents more holy to adopt from kids being abused in a Third World Country. If you're in such a mad rush to get your hands on a kid and be parents, buy a f#*king dog instead. If you're ready to be responsible parents, you might just be patient enough to wait.
Circumcision - Ah yes, one of the questions once again being called up and being labeled "abuse" by the weaker parents that apparently believe that they shouldn't make any efforts to do what's good for the child without the child's consent. So let's review the facts. This procedure has been proven to reduce cancer, reduce the risk of STD transmission, and increase the amount of stimulation during sex. Hm, sounds good. Let's look at the negatives...hmmm, can't really seem to find any...hmm. Now, let's review some of the "not-fit-to-be-parents" arguments. First - "it's barbaric", no, it's a medical procedure that causes no lasting pain or disfigurement in the person's life. Second "the kid should be allowed to choose the procedure when they're old enough" - I can't imagine, at any time, where I would elect to have this done at my age. I'm pretty much past my sexual prime, so barring safe sex practices, it would have been pointless to elect this procedure now. Third - "it's an unjustifiable tribute to God" - Alrighty. My parent elected this procedure for me (yeah, I said it), and I know that it wasn't done with the intent of following the Judo-Christian belief that makes it a point to do so. They did it out of concern for my future health. My parents did something they knew would be beneficial for me...which makes it GOOD, even if they didn't ask...that what called "being parents" means. And finally my favorite - "it's no different then the sexual mutilation of females in Africa" - Okay, back the f#(king Rice-O-Roni trolley up as we review biology. Despite the fact that, yes, men and women both have gentals in the same region, they are, by no means wired exactly the same. Last I checked, I've can experience 100% feeling in my goods, and for those women that comment about the hideous scar, I see my goods everyday and there isn't a scar to be seen.
Sleep - Why the hell is it that when I was 8 or 9, I was required to be in bed no later then 8 pm...but now when I'm going to Denny's after a heavy night of drinking and booze related debatchery, I'm seeing 1 and 2 year olds sitting across the way from me at 1 am? At what point did parents decide that in order to ensure their night life didn't suffer, they'd just keep their snotlings up with them? I am still waiting for the day that I go to either a porno store or a bar and see some parent in there with a kid slung over their shoulder. Are you f#(king kidding me. At some point the balance of self-sacrifice tipped from pointing at the parents to pointing at the kids. My parents pretty much resigned a nightlife at the birth of my oldest brother. Sure, occasionally a neighbor's teen was hired to babysit on the few instances that they were REQUIRED to attend an Army function, but at no point can I fathom being 5 years old, at sitting at some resturant well past 10 pm.
In closing, my rant is boiled down to this fact. Not everyone is fit to be a parent. Just because you are a parent, doesn't mean you're a good one. If and when you have a kid, it is YOUR responsibility. Just because the saying is "it takes a village to raise a child" that sure as hell doesn't mean the village wants to. It is every parents obligation to make the tough choices which will better their child, even if it's "hard". If you take the "I'm-going-to-be-their-best-friend" approach, you will not only fail miserably as a parent, but you'll put another self absorbed dumba$$ into the world as well. As for me, I plan on circumcising, vaccinating, spanking, and bottle feeding my children. They sure as hell won't have a video game console, and they sure as hell will eat their vegetables. McDonald's won't even be in their vocabulary.
And Mad Props To This Guy - The Ultimate Word in Parenting
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