So many people say "if I ruled the world", but usually only at a time when they're getting pissed off about something (i.e. traffic jams, taxes). I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that's seriously thought about how I'd run a country (not the world because who seriously wants to handle that mess?). While I really don't have the time during my blogging time to write out entire levels of government and exacting laws, I can put down bullets of information about the general gist of "Azurael Land".
National Budget
- No foreign country gets any monetary aid until we fix our own crap.
- Senators & Congressmen cannot approve their own raises.
- A National Lottery will be implimented, and only those with a yearly income of less then $70,000 can compete.
- Universities and colleges will be monitored by the state, and cannot increase enrollment fees except to compensate for inflation.
- Schools who participate in team sports will receive no state or federal funds. Only schools that foster individual sports will receive support.
- All funds freed up from the pit that is team sports will be reinvested into teacher's pay, teaching materials, and after school programs.
- Any teacher or group that strikes will have their teaching certificate revoked permanently. You do not become a teacher to get rich.
- In order to receive citizen status, all individuals will be required to serve 2 years in any branch of the military.
- Those who do not serve are not allowed to vote, buy alcohol, work for the government, receive any monetary aid from the government, or breed.
- During times of war fighting organized militaries, the Geneva Convention will be strictly enforced.
- During times of war fighting terrorists, the Geneva Convention will be completely ignored.
- The military will at all time keep giant stocks of napalm, flamethrowers, and Agent Orange.
- Juries will be comprised of professionals trained in criminal justice and understand the system and its quarks thoroughly. Unlike todays panel of complete idiots.
- In the evidence that video or DNA evidence can accurately identify the suspect, the suspect will be immediately sentanced and ineligible for appeals.
- All prisions will be maximum security & solitary confinement. They will also be located 1/2 mile below ground, and can be flooded in the event of a riot.
- All justice officials (i.e. police, judges, political figures) who commit crimes will be subject to double punishment.
- Pro-sports teams would not exist. Period.
- Individual sports would be encouraged.
- Abtract art will be considered disturbing the peace, and ticketed accordingly.
- Interpretive dance will be considered assault on each person who witnesses it.
- Jazz will be considered an atrocity.
---More to come later!
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