03 May, 2013

Can't We Be Done?

Soooo, I've gotten a few job interviews and so far, things are going kinda okay. The job I am REALLY wanting, I've already done two in person interviews and they've already called my job references, who of course made it sound like I invented water.


But then I got a call from their HR department today stating that they'd be calling my past employers, to include my most recent ex-employer that gave me the BOHICA (bend-over-here-it-comes-again) firing of my lifetime to verify my employment.

Now I am fully aware, having a background in HR, that there are only certain questions 99.9% of employers will answer during an employment verification, however, I know there's always that .1% of employers out there that simply don't give a shit and decide they want to put their own personal spin on things to fuck over the potential chance that one of their ex-employees will get a job.

I passed my 90 days of sobriety this last Saturday, and it's pretty much the only damn thing keeping me from pounding down a fifth of Bushmills right now. I'm trying to console myself that the chances of my fuckwad ex-supervisor won't field this call, but the fact that I won't hear anything about the job until early next week is giving me an ulcer the size of Texas.

For all of you out there in the blogosphere, please take a moment and poor one out for your old buddy Azurael would you? *pout*

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