14 March, 2011

Now You're Just Making Me Jealous....

fig. 1-1 The hottest picture ever.

Getting ready to spend the next two days doing alot of travelling for work. And while it's not flying, I still can't really be stoked about not being in my office, just thinking about how my inboxes will be overflowing with "job security" upon my return.

But at least one good thing? At least I'm not going to Iraq. I found in the two times I flew over and two times I flew back, that patience is something I apparently have limitless amounts of. Hours and hours on a single flight, waiting in Kuwait for what I can't even remember, and sitting on a tarmac for hours just waiting for a plane to arrive.

Iraq aside though, I really wish I could just have a job where I do work like George Jetson. Just go to my office everyday, not supervise anyone, make moderately good pay, and press a button every now and again. Provided I wouldn't want the a-hole boss that he did (Mr. Spacely?), but I would just want a job where I can do my work from 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. End of story. Suffice to say, no bloggity-blog for the next two days at least, as I will be enduring an unholy gauntlet of meetings and meet-and-greets. BLECH.

And as for the picture at the top, seriously, how the hell hot is that?? I'd like to know what lottery I need to win to be the bologna in an Amy Lee and Emilie Autumn sandwich???

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