11 July, 2007

"And Pull Your Damn Pants Up! What's Wrong With You Kids These Days?!"

So let's talk about a disturbing trend that I believe has now passed. This would be the art of "roof jumping". I can remember there being little murmor of this when I was younger, but the idea of jumping off a roof (onto anything other then ALOT of fresh snow) just struck me as stupid. Plain ass stupid. Being from the school of stupid things kids do, I've graduated most courses to include:

- Throwing fire crackers bare handed
- Covering myself in off and jumping through camp fires
- Flooding outhouses
- Driving on ice covered roads in a 1979 GM station wagon with no headlights and bald tires
- Pushing over half rotted trees around crowds of people
- Getting tabasco sauce on my hands then going to the bathroom

Yes, all of them carried consequences...but nothing comparable to a telescoped spine, displaced hip, or compound fracture of the tibia.

And if you think jumping off a roof alone is colossially stupid, watch this next clip. (And I warn you not to if you're squimish about pain *nothing graphic*)

Where the HELL are their parents??

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