22 June, 2007

Watching Paint Stay Wet

So one of the biggest problems I've found to date with my HR job is this. I am here to administer benefits and training. If no one needs benefits, and no one can train because our operational tempo is so high, what have I left to do? Pretty much not much. So much not much, I've actually reorganized the filing system, researched the most craziest laws on labor regulations, and even gone so far as to memorize Title VII word by word. However, my sheer boredom is not alone by any means in this job, I'm sure plenty other people feel it out there, so some suggestions:

o Go take a raging duke
o Play MSN.com games and see how many "badges" you can get
o Surf Youtube to see how many teenage girls with unattractive bodies think their Shakira and have made their own video of "Hips Don't Lie" (Too many to count, look for yourself!)
o Blog
o Make strange noises anytime someone walks by your office/cubical
o Lead on one of those email scams and see how long you can keep it going
o See if you can eat a tablespoon of cinnamon
o See if you can drink a gallon of milk in one hour

**If you watched those videos, I'm sure you've had enough for now....

1 comment:

ESCAP1ST said...

Yeah dude, online gaming will always have some kid who is thrilled to death with anonymity. Muting these fools not only pisses them off more (revenge is best on YOUR terms), but also saves your gaming experience. You can also feedback slap their ass and never play with them again.