12 June, 2007

This Cyber Sucks

Some random items I hate on the Internet:

- That stupid animated dancing baby

- The Mentos & Diet Coke - Yes, we all got it...it gets really fizzy

- Spam - I'm tired of being told that I'll receive 2.5 million by a man in Zimbabwe if only I give him my entire bank porfolio

- Lowermybills.com - They're the ones responsible for the irritating animated ads...go to MSN.com if you really want to see more

- Spam Again - No, I really didn't win an Internet lottery, and no, I don't want a bigger wang

- The "Order Now" Button - The button with the specific instructions not to hit twice, but it usually freezes up after you only push it once

- YouTube Videos of Babys - Really! They're not funny!

- Web boards - Because people that post here have yet to realize the futility of debating on the Internet

- Web based video games - I hate the idea of me being beaten at a game by a 13 year old that refuses to go to school so that he can call me a "stupid noob" instead


Anonymous said...


But you got to love all the funny pics floating around on the net. That cat picture is a classic, makes me laugh everytime i see it :)

Azurael said...

Yep. I actually like the cat picture too, it was the only zany picture I could find that didn't bug me all to pieces.