20 June, 2011

RIP Ryan Dunn

Much to the weakness of today, found out that one of my favorite members of Jackass passed away this morning in a car wreck. While there is speculation about drunken driving, this just sucks uber hard. I've grown up with Jackass pretty much since it started up and Dunn has always been one of my favorite members.

Dunn was always the gritty guy who seemed to play along even when he wasn't really up for it. He definately seemed like a good guy that would go out for a beer and have a decent conversation with, and seemed alittle less shallow then the rest.

And as for Roger Ebert chiming in so close to Dunn's passing, you know what you jawless f**kwad, how about having a bit of a compassion. Especially after so many people showed you compassion after you went through a life altering event. Regardless of whether or not Dunn was DWI, f**k you for immediately jumping on his death and putting what you believe to be a humorous twist on it. Seriously? What the f**k is wrong with you.

In Dunn's honor, and to piss in your Wheaties, I'm gonna go home and eat a big a$$ candied apple and Cracker Jacks.

Rest In Peace Dunn.

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