22 June, 2011

Bonus Blog! - The People Have...Um..Spoken?

I use a traffic tracker on my blog to check from time to time how my blog is doing viewership wise. While I don't say it enough, I'm greatful for the people who spare a moment to read my rantings and incoherent thoughts. Makes this worth it. :)

That being said, it has a "keyword analysis" function which shows what keyword searches generally lead to my website from various search engines. It's broken down from 100% for percentages for each search term that leads to my site...and I must say, the results are terrifying.

17.54% - "Funny fat kid"
5.26% - "Kate Beckinsale body"
1.75% - "Untietoiletoutearth"

What?? Come on' guys. Nobody's searching "Rants", "The Wheel List", or "Boots"?

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