Per my usual manner, I like to do summations in bulleted format, what:
- Had a terrific leg workout with my personal trainer, followed by a horrific two days where my calves were so tight I couldn't touch my heels to the ground.
- Went to Florida this last weekend for a work conference. The good thing was now I can say I've actually been to Florida instead of just going through the airport. The bad thing is I now know I should never drink with anyone from England or Switzerland. (And they can probably say the samething about Americans) I haven't been thrown out of a bar since college.
- I've now decided to develop my own Murtough list. If you're not sure what it is, look is up (i.e. "I'm too old for that sh*t!!)
- Returned from Florida with my typical end-of-winter cold that results in missing a day of work due to what I call "Niagra Nose" in which I have a constant downpour of what appears to be water from my nose. I now know I can produce enough mucus to burn through two rolls of toilet paper in the nose-blowing process.
- Upon returning from Florida Sunday night, I heard the news that a certain terrorist leader is dead. Enter dance of joy, and an unexpected jealousness of being a Navy Seal. (Hey...I'm an Army guy, don't do air and don't do water.)
- Preparing to declare an all out war on my body through essentially living at the gym....once my sinuses decide to stop being defiant of me.
- In the process of losing 4 days at the office, I found myself somewhat behind the power curve. Then I discovered that a mixture of Sudafed and Monster Energy drinks have a similar effect to Ritalin. I got ALOT of sh*t done today, all the while time seemed to be crawling along.
- Haven't really sat down and watched some awesome kinky porn in a while, so that's in the "fun que" for the time being.
Back to time travel! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
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