11 May, 2011

"Now That is A Pretty Sweet Earth...ROUND"

Being part of an "eco friendly" think tank at work, I've spent the last two hours attempting to find recycling laws for the State of Washington.

My research has apparently revealed that there are no discernable laws, and everyone recycles because they're a bunch of smelly hippies with nothing better to do with their lives.

Do I recycle now that I live in Washington? Yes I do. The only reason is I now have the freedom to throw all my recyclables into one giant bin and done, I've just saved a tiny bit of the planet. However, recycling when it comes to living in Idaho boils down to living in the stone age of solid waste management. Metals must be in a separate container from glass (which is further sorted into clear, green, and brown glass). Newspapers and/or magazines must be stacked and bound with twine.

Yep, I'll say it again, twine.

Really? What average college kid is going to keep a roll of twine in their shanty apartment? F**k you Idaho, I'm just throwin' everything in the garbage because of that pretentious move.

1 comment:

Indie said...

Hahaha, wise move. :)