With Blogger now cooperating, I can now continue to fire the volleys of rants that I've discovered during the past several days of very irritatingly stupid news stories that I've witnessed:
The American Baby Factory - Alrighty. Something that rarely hits home here in the United States, but isn't that obtuse over seas, is a couple who has had seventeen kids. I don't honestly know where to begin with this stopping short of stating that I believe that Negative Eugenics needs to reach out and smack both of these parents square in the pie hole. I'm not going to attack the usual arguement about them contributing to the overpopulation of the world, or being one of the many people that drive up medical insurance via unnecessary or unwarranted procedures, or even for the fact that their kids cannot deny that their mother is easy. I'm going to strickly take on the fact that they're essentially breeding in the name of God. Their purposed summed up is that "all children are a blessing from God and that each one is a special gift". Alright Queen Crazy of the Breeder Kingdom...do you not realize that the more children you have, the less attention each one of them will receive due to your incessant need to breed yourself into oblivion? I would put money on the fact that these kids are all going to grow up mal adjusted from this crazy atmosphere where the family has ceased to become a family, and now is bordering on the organization of an Army Platoon. I would further submit that looking at what the mother said, I believe there is an underlying psychological issue that they're attempting to cover up. Possibly overcompensation? Or more evident, maybe the mother just doesn't want to give up being the center of attention.
Either way, what it boils down to is this. Parenting is a resource, the more you divide that resource, the less your children will develop as a person. And a sign up sheet to speak to their own parents? F**K you that is wrong.
Yes, I don't care if they know how to play the violin, or if they know latin by 10...they're all going to end up being that awkward kid that spent too much time being home schooled. And BELIEVE me, they will be teased by how many kids their mother has crapped out. And I for one, would lead that charge.
Either way, what it boils down to is this. Parenting is a resource, the more you divide that resource, the less your children will develop as a person. And a sign up sheet to speak to their own parents? F**K you that is wrong.
Yes, I don't care if they know how to play the violin, or if they know latin by 10...they're all going to end up being that awkward kid that spent too much time being home schooled. And BELIEVE me, they will be teased by how many kids their mother has crapped out. And I for one, would lead that charge.
Not Enough Child Abuse? - Rarely do I ever support religious elements getting the wrathful eye of the government, but when it comes to polygamy and any religious organization that takes advantage of youth, that's where I'm pretty much all for destroying those beliefs with extreme prejudice.
The State Court of Appeals ruled that, despite their antiquated dress and borderline cultish beahvior, the state of Texas was wrong to seize the children in from the Fundamentalist Church. It's not that the Court ruled this, but rather their reasoning as to why...and I quote:
"The court said the state failed to show that any more than five of the teenage girls were being sexually abused, and offered no evidence of sexual or physical abuse against the other children."
Okay...let's look at this statement again. The state failed to show that ANY MORE THAN FIVE of the teenage girls were being sexually abused. So...you're telling me, o great Court of Appeals that anything less then five means that the environment in question is suitable for any children? Holy crap on toast that is a pretty f**ked up decision. An environment that is conducive to even ONE child being assaulted is the wrong environment, especially if it's being conducted under the guise of being related to an organization of God. Even moreso if it's being compounded by forcing (or "guiding", whatever you want to call brainwashing) teenagers to marry.
In my most humble opinion, if a parent chooses to be in an environment that is counter productive to the welfare of their children, I believe the state should have the ability to step in and severely question these people's ability to be fit for parenthood. These meatballs need to wake up and realize that they're not being "persecuted" for their religion, they're being smacked down for being awful parents.
Anchor In A Diaper? None For Me. - I am positive I've posted about this guy before, but I'm just positive I can't sing his praise loud enough, nonetheless, ignore the criticism he's gotten for being "selfish". He made a permanent decision based on his feelings, and I honestly believe at his age, that he's right on the mark.
I take issue with the fact that the crazies believe this "selfish" and that he's passing up such a "joy" of having kids. Look, I got the whole idea that "it's different when they're yours" and blah blah blah, but some people are just having too much fun in life without having a home anchor on them. I could say it might be an individual influence, but I'm more inclined to say that children these days are louder, more spoiled, and more out of control then generations past, and those crappy kids with their crappy parents have left a bad taste in our mouths. I will relent in that there are some couples who still raise their childen the old school way, and discipline as often as possible, but for the most part, I think we as a nation are doomed once the kids that are toddlers now reach their mid 20's.
I completely blame the parents who want to be their kids friends, and not their parents. Even more so, I blame the parents who don't believe in a giving their kids a good ol' passionate a$$ whoopin' anytime they did something wrong.
And furthermore, no I don't want to see pictures of your baby. They all look like little human bologna loaves, and unless they're related to me by blood, I don't caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare.
This man is a genius.
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