30 November, 2007

"Well Pickle My Liver And Call Me Salty"

So another ending of a long week bringing me closer to hanging out with Oregon-B. I've been cutting down on drinking unconsciously, however, I have the sinking feeling I'll be changing my name to "Vlasic" before the weekend is over.

Well, as the Irish say it, "Let's get pissed!"

29 November, 2007

All I Need Is My Scales...And A Gun

Recent three jobs, let's review:

1) Human Resources - Get to wade through piles of unintelligible insurance paperwork and benefits inquiries. Spend hours on end dealing with brokers over issues concerning non-payment to overpriced doctors. Develop countless policies that both employees and employers hate, but still are necessary evils. Spend days on EEO-1 reports and other federally required stipulations.

2) Kmart Retail - Spend hours stocking shelves while listing to the worst hits of the 80's and 90's. Constantly listening to whiney kids and crying babies. General public trys to belittle me just because they can't return an item they bought and broke through negligence 3 years ago. Get to hear nonstop conference calls about the exciting experience that is selling great volumes of socks.

3) Military Police Law Enforcement - Working late hours, going toe to toe with drunken Marines. Locating and subsequently destroying the military careers of corrupt Officers and Senior NCO's. Pepperspraying and subduing teenagers that believe they're from the rough streets of a military base. Running speed & dui checkpoints, and in the process being accountable for writing over 100+ citations in less then four hours.

Hmmm...well gee, that's a tough choice.

28 November, 2007

Antithesis of Oi

Punk Cop: Ms. Avril Lavigne?

Avril: That's me?

Punk Cop: I'm here to revoke your Punk license. According to my records, you've had your hands on this way longer then you should have.

Avril: But I am punk! Nobody understands my music!

Punk Cop: Is this you on the cover of Cosmo talking about sex secrets?

Avril: Yes

Punk Cop: Have you on more then one occasion worn designer clothing?

Avril: Yes...but I make a devil sign upside down! That's punk right?

Punk Cop: Negative. I flashed the devil sign during my Senior Year photo in High School and you don't see me touring with the Ramones do you?

Avril: Well, if I'm losing this license...what license will get to replace it? A rock license?

Punk Cop: Doubtful. If and when it's actually designed, you'll probably get the same license Ashlee Simpson gets. I am so sorry.

27 November, 2007

The Bottling Plant Of Crazy

So this weekend, the Oregon-B will be coming up for a short lived stay of debatchery and drunkeness. I'm pretty sure we'll be attempting to recall our year in college together, however, now introduce livers of steel, a penchant for XBox Live, and severe and infallable craving for Jack In The Box Ultimate Cheeseburgers. All of this times the fact that Oregon-B probably hasn't cashed in his crazy tickets in a while will promise for a good time.

I'm reminded many times of being stuff in our tiny college apartment either playing Final Fantasy, getting ready to go to school, or attempting to eat every last pizza in our hometown in one sitting. Only a few times did we have parties there, because again, it was freaking tiny. But still, a good drunk fest had by all.

I'm pretty sure Monday's blog will be very interesting to say the least.

Good times - Noodle salad.

26 November, 2007

Who Let The Crazy Get Cold?

So occasionally during the weekends, I get random thoughts. Unfortunately, I never keep a timely log of these, so I usually forget them...but here's a small glass of crazy from my crazy stream of thought.

- Any Xbox Game with an alien lesbian sex scene is alright by me.

- Why is it that in "The Little Engine That Could", the main character is rewarded with success after many attempts to conquer a challenge, however, in "Moby Dick", one of the main characters is punished with being harpooned to a whale, only after attempting to conquer a challenge?

- Who the hell thought it a good idea to put giblets in anything (i.e. gravy, stuffing, etc), nonetheless actually cook and eat the damn things.

- I would NEVER stand outside Walmart for 3 hours in the freezing cold on Black Friday just so I could shop at 5 am. Even if they were giving out free cars and handjobs, I would NEVER consider doing that crap.

- (ref: above) F#*k K-Mart!

- What do my cats do when I'm not home?

And finally...

- WTF Zemekis? You've cranked out top quality hits like Back to the Future, but then you take a story that's almost 1000 years old and rearrange it just so that Angelina can be extra-naked and the story can have a perfect plot line? Geez! What you did to the character of Beowulf would be the equivelent of making Superman cry at the site of sick puppies.

21 November, 2007

Turkey Lurkey Loo

After I joined the Army, the concept of a "holiday" was quickly lost to me. Especially in the Military Police, you find it pretty much accepted that you work on Holidays as you would any other day.

So in light of tomorrow and what I'm still holding as my own personal philosophy that points to the fact that people need something "to believe in", I'll just say this.

Hope it's good, hope it's fun, hope you remember, even if you burn the turkey, that alot more people in alot of different places are way worse off then you. Don't make it perfect, make it worth it.

20 November, 2007

I Brought You Into This World....

So finally it's come down to this...I actually have to upgrade my disliking for children and their parents from an entry to a rant. I haven't hit the WTF guns yet because, well, I've successfully been avoiding the little wastes of carbon and their "all-knowing parents" for a while now.
So lets begin looking at the recent news:

Vaccinations - Not since the "bad-old times" have I ever seen such a cluster f*&k of parents on the "the vaccinations might make my kids sick" bandwagon. Furthermore, apparently they believe that their "right" to choose as to whether their kids will be immunized against life threatening illnesses is acceptable to come at the price of endangering other children. Given, most vaccinations will injure or several harm 1 in 100,000 or more, but seriously? When it was time to get my first slew of vaccines in the Army (to INCLUDE the, at the time controversial, Anthrax vaccine) I took ALL of them. Why? Decreases my overall chance of getting sick, and prevents my peers from the same. My solution for this is simple, parents don't want to get their kids vaccinated? Nooo problem. Your kids can't attend any public schools, parks, swimming areas, recreational facilities. Hell, even if they wanted to, they couldn't step foot in a Post Office. It's not your right as a parent, it's your moral f#*king obligation to your fellow humans to do this.

Foreign Adoption - Do we hate our own countrymen this much that we decide that "exotic" children are better then the homegrown? No, I know, it's apparently more "charitable" to adopt from foreign countries because otherwise the babies would grow up in poverty. Nooo, even better, it's "easier" to adopt from those countries then it is from the United States...Hmm, very intriguing arguments, but they're all as dumb as the parents that believe them. I can't even begin to see an ethical reason that justifies adopting foreign children over domestic. It might be easier to do, but at the cost of de-regulation, you also have babies being stolen for the black market, and I would go so far as to argue that this would encourage parents who can't support children overseas to have them anyway, so some American can swing in and scoop a couple up at $10k a pop. More charitable? What about the thousands of foster kids that get bounced around the United States year after year? Apparently just because they're being abused in a First World Country, it makes these parents more holy to adopt from kids being abused in a Third World Country. If you're in such a mad rush to get your hands on a kid and be parents, buy a f#*king dog instead. If you're ready to be responsible parents, you might just be patient enough to wait.

Circumcision - Ah yes, one of the questions once again being called up and being labeled "abuse" by the weaker parents that apparently believe that they shouldn't make any efforts to do what's good for the child without the child's consent. So let's review the facts. This procedure has been proven to reduce cancer, reduce the risk of STD transmission, and increase the amount of stimulation during sex. Hm, sounds good. Let's look at the negatives...hmmm, can't really seem to find any...hmm. Now, let's review some of the "not-fit-to-be-parents" arguments. First - "it's barbaric", no, it's a medical procedure that causes no lasting pain or disfigurement in the person's life. Second "the kid should be allowed to choose the procedure when they're old enough" - I can't imagine, at any time, where I would elect to have this done at my age. I'm pretty much past my sexual prime, so barring safe sex practices, it would have been pointless to elect this procedure now. Third - "it's an unjustifiable tribute to God" - Alrighty. My parent elected this procedure for me (yeah, I said it), and I know that it wasn't done with the intent of following the Judo-Christian belief that makes it a point to do so. They did it out of concern for my future health. My parents did something they knew would be beneficial for me...which makes it GOOD, even if they didn't ask...that what called "being parents" means. And finally my favorite - "it's no different then the sexual mutilation of females in Africa" - Okay, back the f#(king Rice-O-Roni trolley up as we review biology. Despite the fact that, yes, men and women both have gentals in the same region, they are, by no means wired exactly the same. Last I checked, I've can experience 100% feeling in my goods, and for those women that comment about the hideous scar, I see my goods everyday and there isn't a scar to be seen.

Sleep - Why the hell is it that when I was 8 or 9, I was required to be in bed no later then 8 pm...but now when I'm going to Denny's after a heavy night of drinking and booze related debatchery, I'm seeing 1 and 2 year olds sitting across the way from me at 1 am? At what point did parents decide that in order to ensure their night life didn't suffer, they'd just keep their snotlings up with them? I am still waiting for the day that I go to either a porno store or a bar and see some parent in there with a kid slung over their shoulder. Are you f#(king kidding me. At some point the balance of self-sacrifice tipped from pointing at the parents to pointing at the kids. My parents pretty much resigned a nightlife at the birth of my oldest brother. Sure, occasionally a neighbor's teen was hired to babysit on the few instances that they were REQUIRED to attend an Army function, but at no point can I fathom being 5 years old, at sitting at some resturant well past 10 pm.

In closing, my rant is boiled down to this fact. Not everyone is fit to be a parent. Just because you are a parent, doesn't mean you're a good one. If and when you have a kid, it is YOUR responsibility. Just because the saying is "it takes a village to raise a child" that sure as hell doesn't mean the village wants to. It is every parents obligation to make the tough choices which will better their child, even if it's "hard". If you take the "I'm-going-to-be-their-best-friend" approach, you will not only fail miserably as a parent, but you'll put another self absorbed dumba$$ into the world as well. As for me, I plan on circumcising, vaccinating, spanking, and bottle feeding my children. They sure as hell won't have a video game console, and they sure as hell will eat their vegetables. McDonald's won't even be in their vocabulary.

And Mad Props To This Guy - The Ultimate Word in Parenting

19 November, 2007

Just Keep Heapin' It On

So over the weekend, my average score in life has been less then stellar. Let's review shall we?

- Cats took a ginormous dook in the carrier right when we go to the Vet, requiring me to announce it immediately to the Vet's assistant upon arrival.

- Tried making Jambalya for the first time, too spicy.

- Played Halo 3 Sunday morning. Not being used to this, by body inferred it as being night time, and I started to drink.

- In said process of gaming and drinking, not only did I forget to eat all day (which is why I ended up trashed), but I also blinked out at around 6pm and waking up at 2 am and wondering why I was on the couch, and why I was wide awake.

- In said process following gaming and drinking, I learned that despite not being drunk or even hungover, apparently the body loses ALL muscular strength and endurance when you haven't eaten in over 24 hours. Suffice to say, the treadmill beat me down good.

- Having really not eaten until after I was at work, let's just say my seven story stair climb was less then awesome today.

-And to add, Towel-Returning-Girl was at the gym this morning.

-Finally, a moment of Blog silence for my oldest brother's blog coming to an end. Citing too much work and personal issues, he's "letting the stage go dark" on his blog. My brothers and I never had a real close relationship until recently, so I really appreciated the opportunity to see into his thoughts, and get what he actually remembered about the family and growing up. Maybe now I'll tell him that I've been reading his blog every morning since discovering it. He's been blogging for several years now, and I can confidently say I read and savored every post.

16 November, 2007

Another Deed Punished

So in thinking about my fears, few vividly come to mind. I'm afraid of deep water, partially submerged objects in said water, and attractive girls I don't know. I imagine it's probably the combination of my mother teaching me to respect womanhood at the threat of pain and being consistantly shot down by girls during the most vulnerable phase in my life...adolescence.

My fear of attractive girls far exceeds any mortal danger I've faced to date. I've been to a war zone, I've been though several instances where I could have died due to medical issues, I've busted into group fights alone while doing law enforcement...pssffft, nothing! Put me infront of an attractive girl...for some reason, I turn completely stupid.

So on to the main event. I was at the gym this morning, trying as always to run on the treadmill so hard as to break it. While running, I always place my towel on the side railing, to which I promptly grab to wipe off sweat at the time intervals of 7 minutes, 13 minutes, 17 minutes, and 24 minutes (I've run enough to notice this...creepy huh?). As per usual, I had accidently placed the towel unevenly over the railing, so naturally it slipped, fell, and landed on the treadmill, and went shooting off the back of the treadmill. Not a problem because normally, I just get it after my run.

Nope. There was a very pretty girl behind me.Okay...this made it alittle embarassing, but not too bad because like I said, it happens. I could have stopped and picked it up...but that almost makes it feel like you can't run without your "blanky".

Thinking everything was okay, I kept running, until I somehow didn't notice that she had picked it up on the way out and placed it back on my railing for me. "Doh! I didn't thank her!" So now, in addition to being embarrassed as to have slingshot my towel off the treadmill at her, I now am the jerk that didn't thank her for doing an unusually kind thing (because I honestly wouldn't grab a another's towel...don't know how much sweat is in there).

So after she leaves, I feel like a raging renob, but hoping she'll at least pat herself on the back for being cool. Just when it leaves my mind, she comes back. She got on the treadmill in front of me and started running. There are also mirrors infront of us so I feel compelled to raise my towel like a glass and blurt out "thanks for the towel!" in a semi-winded, very awkward statement.

Enter the Seinfield arguement in my head, which banters back and forth about "well I could thank her now, but has it been to long? What if she's in mid work out? Is it appropriate? Would it look like I was hitting on her? Is she going to end up going to the gym every day I do and give me the stink eye on a regular basis?"

Suffice to say, I took the Seinfield approach and stealthily finished my workout.

So I'd like to conclude on two things.

1) If you're the girl that picked up a brown towel for a man on the treadmill at the gym this morning, I wish you a beavy of mad good-karma points. That was unusually kind and I hope you win the lottery or learn how to poop gold. I'm prayin' for ya.

2) If you're an attractive girl and you decide to do a nice thing for a strange guy, don't do it at the gym! We're so busy thinking either about a) how more "buff" we look b) what we're going to eat for dinner tonight or c) how we'd rather be home playing XBox. Guys simply are not good at either asking for help (i.e. stopping for directions) or gratitude (i.e. when has the last guy looked at a birthday card from you and said "awwww, that's so sweet".)

Freakin' towel!

15 November, 2007

Anatomy Of An Accomplishment

Main Entry: ac·com·plish·ment
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈkäm-plish-mənt, -ˈkəm-\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1: the act of accomplishing : completion
2: something that has been accomplished : achievement
3 a: a quality or ability equipping one for society b: a special skill or ability acquired by training or practice

Apparently many people in American society has lost track of what truly is acheiving a goal and accomplishing something. Referencing the definition above, I would like to point out what is and is not an accomplishment.

Getting an "A" is an accomplishment

Getting an "A for effort" is NOT an accomplishment

Cultivating a skill in an individual sport (i.e. running) is an accomplishment

Cultivating a skill in video games (i.e. Halo) is NOT an accomplishment

Being married for 10+ years is an accomplishment

Just getting married is NOT an accomplishment

Being recognized by the community as being a valuable citizen is an accomplishment

The mere act of not going to jail is NOT an accomplishment

Giving to or donating to a charity of your own free will is an accomplishment

Subsequently claiming it on your tax returns makes it NOT an accomplishment

Treating your significant other like they're #1 in the world is an accomplishment

The simple act of not hitting them is NOT an accomplishment

Being successful at your job and being respected by your peers is an accomplishment

Just having a job is NOT an accomplishment

And finally...are you listening?
Having a child that grows up to be happy, healthy, and successful is an accomplishment
The mere act of having a child is NOT BY ANY MEANS a freaking accomplishment
***Bear that in mind for you next High School Reunion.

14 November, 2007

The Pity Party, Table For One

So in light of my recent down turn in partying and heading to the bars, I took some time to reflect on some of the colossal failures ( and somewhat successful) house parties I've been to in my shindig career.

I doing so, I've also been able to recall what are pretty much some of the top 10 things I hope never to hear and/or see at a party, and the epilogue of what the usual outcome is.

10. "It's not my beer Officer"
Epilogue - It doesn't matter
9. "I can't believe my ex had the nerve to show up..."
Epilogue - Massive grudge boinking
8. "All we have left is Miller High Life!"
Epilogue - Party stops for an epic beer run
7. "All the stores are closed dude."
Epilogue - Miller High Life ensues
6. "Who wants something from (insert fast food chain of choice here)
Epilogue - Massive vomiting ensues
5. "Don't worry what it is, just drink it!"
Epilogue - Turns out to be pretty much anything but good.
4. "Dude, you're pretty wasted...are you sure that was a fart?"
Epilogue - Nope, no it wasn't a fart
3. "Dude, I'm not gonna make it"
Epilogue - He doesn't make it.
2. "Hey, you're not looking so good"
Epilogue - Next time stage the bucket ahead of time
1. "Come on now, we're all friends here..."
Epilogue - Some sort of nudity occurs

13 November, 2007

...Two Bits...

So over the weekend, I decided it was time to get my haircut renewed as it was starting to make me feel like a damn dirty hippy. I went to the same location as I usually go (*cough*Supercuts*cough*) and proceeded to commence the standard 20 minute wait for a on par haircut.

Now before I go further, allow me to put this all into reference. Army barber shops are 100% the reverse of civilians. Instead of there being a line of 10 people and 2 barbers, Army barber shops usually have between 5-7 barbers at all times. (The Army barber shop is run by AAFES, a civilan contractor business that caiters exclusively to the military - you can also go to "The Strip" which is the area outside Army posts that are usually barber shops, laundrymats, dry cleaners, and porn stores) These shops are 100% for men, for if you're female, you need to go to the beauty salon next door (same deal...about 3-5 stylists there - same price). These barbers are usually wives of servicemen, elderly folk that need a job, or relatives of Korean families. They are demonically fast at cutting hair, mostly because military don't walk in and want to have a quaff of hair like Colin Farrell. However, they are quick to adapt to any spin off of the buzz-cut and generally do a good job. In my time in the Army, I usually kept an inch or so of hair, and the quickest haircut I received was well under 2 minutes. The cost in and about the Army post is usually about 4-6 bucks.

So back to the story. In the process of waiting 20 minutes and listing to the hair stylists banter on about their kids and how having them is supposed to make them instantly good people, I realized I drank too much tea for breakfast, and had to use the bathroom. Of course upon my return, I learned I had lost my spot in line, but understandably so. So I continued waiting. A full hour after getting there (including bathroom time), I'm finally called to a station amidst angry stares from multi-child parents who obviously believe they took priority because it was their little puke-ling's first haircut. I proceed to explain what I want to the stylist the way I have been doing for the past seven years. "Medium fade with some off the top, no skin". She proceeds to gear up and apparently with no regard for the "some off the top", buzzes my head at the same length all over. The shock I felt as she buzzed directly through my bangs quickly resigned to more of a "son of a b$tch, I can't wear a hat to work" attitude. She even decided to point out, as though I didn't already know having lived with it for almost 30 odd years, that I had an especially pointy occipital bone. Derr.

So in losing an hour of my life, wading through a sea of grubby, snot nosed little carpet rats, and getting my hair screwed up for the next 3-5 weeks, I only had to pay $15.

I almost gave Supercuts the WTF logo, but decided otherwise because I'm hoping this is an isolated incident. If not, they're getting it twice fold.

12 November, 2007


It's Veteran's day, so I'm leavin' work early. No bloggy. Yet crazy stories from the weekend to come.

09 November, 2007

Pass The Popcorn And The Bleach

So in attempting to make the workplace more hospitable, I was sent to the local Salvation Army to pick up a small, padded chair similar to a non-reclining, miniture lazyboy. Unbenounced to me, the chair was too big, however, reinforcements (with a truck) had been dispatched. So there I sat for a solid 20 minutes in the parking lot, doing my favorite past time, people watching.

Several trends I noticed immediately off the bat:

1) 50% of people that shop at the Salvation Army drive ENORMOUS trucks. I'm not talking like an extended cab, I'm talking trucks that look like they were built to carry extended cab trucks in their beds.

2) The other 50% of people (including myself) drive hatchbacks.

3) All purchases are made in two-garbage bagged size increments. I've never seen shopping bags of that size. They literally look like extended plastic pillow cases. Very creepy.

Although I will argue that organizations like the Salvation Army and Goodwill are certainly needed in this day and age, I won't deny the fact that I washed my hands about 10 times after carrying the chair (which was covered in hair of indeterminate species origin) approximately 50 ft. Yikes.

08 November, 2007

All Things In Moderation

So always in an effort to remain positive, I try to think about the things I do on a daily basis that will keep me healthy and will promote a long and healthy life. I do things such as:

- Eat vegetables quite often during the week
- Don't smoke
- Exercise at least three times a week
- Drink plenty of fluids (i.e. water, tea, etc)
- Take multi-vitamins
- Get about 7 hours of sleep
- Wear my seatbelt

So forth and so on, trying to do what's right for my health. Then I remember stuff that will immediately kill you such as brain embelisms, cardiac arrest, car accidents, natural disasters, etc.etc.etc., and I remember that too much of a healthy thing is just as bad. Never hurts to have a couple of vices right?

Memento Mori

07 November, 2007

The Denny's Grand Slam

Ah Denny's, the only place where you can eat food that tastes good while simultaniously killing your body off in the process.

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am an extreme nut for Denny's. Even when stationed in Missouri, I would regularly drive 30 miles one way to get myself some Denny's. Denny's has always been there for me, for first dates, food poisonings, hangover breakfasts, still-drunk dinners, and just plain shootin'-the-sh*t with friends.

I first got down on Denny's during their "Skillets" release back in 1998. They had release four skillets (hmm...meat lovers, veggie lovers, farmer's skillet, and the last one escapes me) during my intro to college. Me and my co-workers would regularly drive to the nearby Denny's for "Skillet Night"...which wasn't really on any scheduled night, just whenever we all worked and closed the resturant we worked at together.

Fast forward nine years and I've developed one thing as always being a constant with Denny's (other then the fact that I find their coffee DAMN good).

Sour Cream.

Before I ordered the skillet, now I order the "scramble" (which is a skillet sans fancy plate). All with a side of sour cream. Regardless of the time, location, server, or size of party I'm in, I almost (and I mean 99.9%) of the time never get my side of sour cream without reminding the server.

Now, let me caveat by saying I'm not writing this to be a pissy customer. Denny's is the bomb diggity and like I said, all friends and previous co-workers know this. I'm saying this because the failure rate to bring me my sour cream is so consistant, that from a scientific stand point, there must be some reason other then memory failure that explains such a continuance of activity.

There is no way that in a nine year span, the waitress can bring me sour cream on the first shot three times (yes, I counted, and I can easily recount all three times).

So my challenge to blog-readers everywhere is this. Go to your local Denny's, order either the Ham and Jalapeno or the Meat lovers scramble, wheat toast in lieu of pancakes, and a side of sour cream. I guarentee that more likely then not, you will not get your sour cream.

And if anyone from Denny's is reading this, you guys rock, you food rocks, your coffee rocks, but in reference to the sour cream....dude, what the hell?

06 November, 2007

Living In A Maxwell House

I'm always happy to see when people reach certain goals they've set for themselves. Be it losing weight, stop smoking, or otherwise. But one goal that really confuses me is when people, who historically love coffee to the point where'd they'd make out with Juan Valdez, decide they need to quit drinking caffinated coffee, if not coffee altogether.

I first began my taste for coffee in high school. Growing up in a small town, all there was to do was go to the local resturant and drink coffee and talk with friends. Given at first, I hated the taste of it like no other, I eventually got used to it...even so far as I only take one packet of sugar in it occasionally. I laugh because this makes most people cringe. It's been my proverbial "tackling fuel" all through college and the Army, and I still pound down a gallon or two a week, just to keep in good stead (and it helps me get through the slow HR times).

I can understand that people think that just because this is an "addiction" (i.e. there's adverse biological reactions to not "getting your fix" after you've drank coffee for a while), it's not exactly the evil that being addicted to alcohol or drugs is. Short of staining your teeth and getting alittle caffinated buzz on it, there are no known downsides of drinking coffee. I'm not sure what these people imagine is really in it, but all it truely is is a big cup of burnt bean boiling water.

Referencing the following links, you can even see how it can help you. Up to and including reducing your chances of diabetes, Parkinson's, colon cancer, liver cirrosis, and gallstones to name a few. Hell, it even reduces the amount of lung and liver damage from heavy smoking and drinking!

Again, with one day while putting the WTF tyrade to a rest, I sincerely question people's motives when they decide to put down the coffee cup. Sure while tea is good too, and no, I don't condone the 300 calorie triple-mocha-frappa-spanka-wheezy from Starbucks that cost $5, I will argue that unless it's the price of coffee that's deterring you ($1?), you better not be a bandwagon "I'm quitting coffee" and start bragging around me, I'll dump a big ol' cup in your crotch.

Me and Folger's are like brothers son!

Link 1 - So you quit?

Link 2 - Sure you don't wanna come back?

Link 3 - You take sugar?

05 November, 2007

The Barrel Of My WTF Cannon Glows WHITE

So dealing with insurance for several weeks now has left me quesitoning humanity in new and more challenging ways. Almost in the same way that MSN.com breaks down their news categories by items such as politics, health, etc.etc.etc.

So load the guns and calculate the trajectory, we're firing a salvo:

Television And Culture:

Eight Unknown "Celebrities" In Hardened Site - Apparently when the this show started up, we (the American public - moreover the working class) were supposed to know who the Kardashians were. The first I've heard of it, and just like pancakes, the more I get of it, the more I dislike it. So if I were asked to respond to whatever message this show is always attempting to send, it would be this "holy sh*t they're spoiled, and yes, we know, they all have really big a$$es...got it...moving on..."

*shift fire*

One unknown "model?" in the open - Another celebrity we're apparently suppose to know of and/or give a flying crap about. I know nothing of this woman other then she's living fabulously, but has her own mini-series, probably to show the "trials and tribulations" of the rich.

*shift fire*

One five-year-old looking skank under a pile of self-degrading horn balls - A "celeberity" essential built from reality shows and myspace through showing skin, Tila (who we shall rename "Shnarf" at no insult to the Thundercats) now has a show where she's having men and women vie for her love through a series of degrading and pointless acts to prove "their love". Now, I don't have a problem with this as I do tune into "I Love New York" occasionally, nor do I have the fact that both straight guys and lesbians are battling it out for a Shot at Love with Schnarf Tequila. My problem is, quite frankly, she's about attractive as an Ewok. God knows she looks like one sans hair. Have these contestants never seen an attractive women before?

*New Fire Mission - Crime and Punishment*

One Up-and-Coming Gender Biased Rape Case In Cover - The general public is right in loathing child molestors with a passion, I am one to agree with this completely. Child molestors destroy innocence and trust of humanity at the absolute foundation and they should be punished to the full extent of the law. Where I have a problem, is where there is gender discrimination. In this case, before it goes to court, and before sentance is passed down, I am predicting this. Kelsey Peterson will, at most, receive 5 years for kidnapping, 1 year for contributing for the delinquency of a minor, and 2-3 years for child abuse. More then likely, just like in the case of
Debra Lafave, this insult to humanity will get a slap on the wrist, probably probation, and lose her teaching certificate, oh no!

*Continue Mission - Fire For Effect*

Hypocritical Justice In The Open - This link demonstrates that not all scales are equal in justice. Simply picking many of the cases, most of them were either "charges dropped" or "months in prison in lieu of a xx year sentance". Psychologist might argue that less trauma is done on a male victim then a female victim, unfortunately, that isn't the reason behind laws. You ask a mother of twins, boy and girl, who should get molested and see how far that arguement gets.

*New Fire Mission - Sports*

Non-Loyal Player Under Cover - Knowing almost nothing of the politics of baseball, I have little to go on. However, thanks to our good friend Fitzy, I've come to learn of the money grubbing, non-loyality that is A-Rod. Apparently this player is always seeking the bigger paycheck, and doesn't mind about moving on to other teams that are starting to taste success.

*New Fire Mission - Health*

Strongly Weathered Baby Factory Still In Operation - So it's comforting to know that while scores up scores of children are dying of starvation every year, and that China is still enforcing child limits in order to control global population, these two nymphos apparently get off at the idea of crapping out babies for their own purposefulgain. Let's ignore the fact that healthcare costs are skyrocketing due to excessive doctors visits, or that carbon emissions are increasing, or even that it's harder to get into colleges due to excessive population limits. Apparently these poeple have ignored the social need to limit their excessive wants and desires, all because the average sheep just loves babies. STOP BREEDING!

*New Fire Mission - Politics*

*Ammo Depleted*

Oh well, enough WTF rounds for this day.

02 November, 2007

He Works Hard For His Ulcer

No blog today ladies and gents. This blogger has been used up by insurance paperwork. Wheeee!

01 November, 2007

This Karma May Be Late, But It Still Hits Like A Train

Again, I'd like to reiterate the fact that I mostly try to stay away from hot button and political issues in my blog. I feel those topics are better left for debate between "know-it-all" politicians and people who think they'll get some where arguing over the Internet.

And with that said:

Who's holdin' up signs and gettin' press coverage now you f#(king humps!