In a wildly disturbing
news article, a measure is appearing on a San Francisco ballot to ban male circumcision, with the supporters of the ban
claiming that it's "genital mutilation".
Okay retards, let's break this sh*t down barney style because you obviously don't know your ass from a hole in the ground:
Female Circumcision is different from
Male Circumcision in that Female Circumcision is viewed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as violence against women, where as male circumcision is viewed by the WHO as being a proactive choice to reduce the transmission of HIV. Furthermore, female circumcision damages parts of the body that allow for sexual stimulation (i.e. nerve clusters), whereas male circumcision only removes a piece of skin, and arguably increases sensitivity (i.e. no nerve clusters...just skin, duh).
- Secondly, there are several religions that require that all men be
circumcised. So in banning this practice, you're essentially truncating people's ability to participate freely in their
religion. Yes, yes, yes, I can already here "but female genital mutilation was also parts of
religion". Apparently you need to re-read the above bullet.
- Thirdly, no circumcision=
Smegma. '
Nuff said. GROSS.
- Forth,
aesthetics. Uncut junk looks like a f**
ked up hot dog. Gross.
- Fifth, choices. This movement coming from San Francisco of all places. The place where people piss and moan about individual rights like gay marriage. Yet they turn around, and attempt to turn circumcision into a
misdemeanor. Really? What kind of
hypocritical BS is that??
- Sixth,
a little too close to home for me. I refuse to believe I am a "victim of genital mutilation". My junk is fantastic and I would have it done twice if I needed to! Plus, I know an overwhelming majority of women out there prefer the "cut" to "uncut".
- Seventh (and probably should have been second), it has been shown to reduce the potential for certain diseases (and is easier to keep clean). I, for one, and totally down at being at reduced risk of
Eigth, this procedure is what separates humans from animals. I am not a dog, and don't want some weird lipstick looking tube attached to my body. I want the sh*t that women's wet dreams are made of, and that's the kinda dongs you can only see in porn. How many
pornos you've seen with
uncircumcised junk?
In closing, San Francisco can officially gargle my nuts. While I believe the government should have the authority to limit certain self-damaging acts (i.e. drugs, suicide, etc.), they DO NOT have any right to
intervene on something that is beneficial just because a bunch of
patchouli drenched,
tye dye wearing
asshats want to be on a political platform about sh*t that doesn't affect them.
San Francisco, get on the f**king wheel!!!