29 September, 2008

The Duggar Horde, On The Wheel!

MSN posted today that the Duggar horde has announced the gender of their 18th which immediately had me fighting back waves of nausea and screaming "we don't care!" in the vain attempt that it might actually break the link to the news article.

In light of the fact that our stock market is sinking like a lead rake, I'm confused as to who at the news organization thinks this is something newsworthy, if not even a slap in the face. Your average family with a NORMAL number of children is probably somewhat financially floundering, I'm all together unclear how this alien breed machine keeps firing infantile salvos out of her baby cannon. Gross.

I've addressed their human collection before, but the continual and unnecessary press is pretty much forcing my hand.

Will the family that cannot keep from crapping out kids please put down the fertility pills and get on the wheel!!

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