So the story goes like this. I'm barrelling down the carpool lane going about 40. Each lane to either side of me is back up with cars, and nobody's really moving. Up ahead on my left hand side I notice a grey SUV positioned as to trying to pull out into my lane. Initially I notice the car is stopped, presuming that the driver has seen me and is waiting until I pass. I get to within no more then 100 feet of the car when it begins to pull out again. Immediately (and due to almost being driven off the road by a semi less then 1 minute earlier) I slam on the horn and as soon as I'm window to window with the SUV, I fire off my One Fingered Hand Cannon (i.e. flipped 'em off).
Justifiable? Possibly had it been a man. It was what appeared to be a mother driving, and in the passenger seat (most closest to my car) was what looked to be a female passenger no older then Jr. High age.
Crap. I just blasted through a daughter to get to her mother. I feel bad. Allow my mind to dissect this one against the -10 to my Karma Balance I have just incurred.
- Operator of the vehicle in question was driving in such a manner as to possible provide to me and my passenger the greater chance of serious bodily injury, loss of life, and/or serious damage to personal effects Remove 5 negative Karma Points
- Passenger of the vehicle has an intrinsic obligation to warn said operator of the vehicle when it is clear to proceed, merge, or otherwise turn to a location where the possibility of a collision may occur Remove 2 negative Karma Points
- There was no Mens Rea of myself in firing upon or through a minor in order to display discontent or anger towards the other operator of the vehicle. Further more, said display of finger will not only desensitive possible future operator to the rules of the road, it will also cement in her mind how her mother operated the vehicle incorrectly Remove 1 negative Karma Point
*So, I end up after all of it with negative 2 Karma points. I figure that's worth a parking ticket or a really bad cold sore.
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