23 September, 2013

At What Point Did Men Lose The Right To Choose?

Holy crap.

So I made the mistake of reading the news on my "lunch break" (I say that because I pretty much count Red Bull as "lunch") and ran across this story about embryos.

Basically in a nutshell, couple have eggs fertilized, break up, guy doesn't want a kid with the woman now (obviously), but the woman still wants a kid (weird...and that's sarcasm).

After reading further down, I came across this quote tying in other court decisions on the same topic:

"In a similar case, a Pennsylvania appeals court last year awarded frozen embryos to a woman who hoped to give birth over the objection of her ex-husband, who wanted the embryos destroyed. Like Dunston, the ex-wife was believed to be infertile due to cancer treatments. The decision upheld the trial court ruling that the ex-wife's desire to have biological children outweighed the ex-husband's disinterest in becoming a father."

Okay, after reading that, I'm going to highlight the part that should make not just men, but pretty much EVERYONE cringe (even though I know the baby-lovers out there won't)

"The decision upheld the trial court ruling that the ex-wife's desire to have biological children outweighed the ex-husband's disinterest in becoming a father."

You GOTTA be fucking kidding me. A woman's desire to have kids outweighed the fact that the man didn't want kids? So in a nutshell, this is basically backing the guy into a corner to forever be on the hook for child support, all because the woman MUST HAVE BABIES.

I don't fucking get this. At what point in society did men lose the ability to decide whether they wanted to become fathers or not? This ruling should be clear as day. If both parties are no longer consenting, you're fucking done! Case closed! The fact that the woman is decrying her biological clock ticking, and can't have babies after x y and z, it shouldn't matter a goddamn iota if the guy doesn't want kids. Women who MUST have kids because they have this weird sense of urgency disturb me a great deal. Woman who MUST have kids for the sheer reason they just want babies, and willfully go out and appropriate a "baby daddy" disturbs me even more.

I might even be so bold as this is almost a mirror of the current abortion debate. The government is taking away men's right to choose. Yeah, we got it, women do all the work, but until the fetus is actually in the woman, it belongs to BOTH parties. Now obviously that being said, I personally would never deposit my baby batter anywhere that I couldn't directly control it. Maybe a sperm bank that had containers that I could remote detonate if I change my mind would be good, I'd do that.

Bottom line is this. Guy doesn't or revokes his consent, dump the eggs OOOOORRR the guy becomes liability free from any and all future child support payments, etc.etc.etc.

As for the woman, if she just MUST HAVE biological children (so she can placate that certain mental illness with the need for something to love), then she can post an ad on Craigslist, I'm sure someone will hook her up.


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