09 September, 2011

Work's Pimp Hand Is Still Swingin' Strong

Although this has been a 4 day week, it seems like that 5th day of shit just continually just gets compressed into the remaining 4 days.

I never thought it was possible, but this Friday was the LOOONNNGGEST Friday ever. And not because it's a slow day, but just because this week has been ugly in general.

To top that gem off, I get to go to a work related deal in Spokane next week. Nice. For those not from the Northwest, Spokane is consistantly referred to as "Spocompton" or "Spoke Vegas" because it's a small city with big city problems. The majority of the city is just a shithole and I hve no idea why anyone would want to live there (sorry to my High School friend who lives there).

Anywho, hopefully some bloggy blog this weekend.

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