01 August, 2011

Did I Miss It?

Another weekend has passed on by and I have little to show for it except a haircut and entering day 1 of not smoking (yes again....I know, I posted a while back I stopped...that's before I lost my smart phone and lost track).

As of today, I've had one glass of wine in the last 2 months. Enter into the non-smoking world and the weekends should continue to get much duller. Don't drink, don't smoke...what do I do?

Xbox. Lots of it. And when that gets old, I go back to the old school computer games that literally take weeks to beat (if you're playing them on the right difficulty level).

Oregon-B will be up this next weekend, won't he be dutifully suprised that his drinking buddy is on the wagon. Oh well, nothing ALOT of caffine can't replace!

I don't really have an end date of my prohibition on booze, I guess just when I know I've got a bit more self control and actually remember how to say "when"......oh yeah, and not wake up after a Saturday night bender with someone else's barf on the back of my shirt.

(And for the record, any grown non-Amish adult that says you can have fun without drinking is full of it.)

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