31 August, 2011
Somewhere Else I'd Rather Be
I work daily to make lives better for people that are both downtrodden and the community in general. Don't get paid as much as my position probably demands, but it's decent humanitarian work.
That being said, I think I'd still prefer to edit porn for a living.
29 August, 2011
PAX 2011 Afterthoughts...and Thoughts...and Thoughts
Few thoughts, in a-typical bullet format:
- It was refreshing to be surrounded by soooo many gamers. Even though some took it alot more seriously than me...nice to finally be in a place that talks my language.
- Booth Babes...best idea ever. And if any models are reading this that have done that kind of work, you're just awesome.
- I'm not entirely sure what someone would do at that place for 3 days, but 1 day seemed good.
-Mental Note: Sleep more before the convention. Gaming conventions apparently involve ALOT of walking.
- Free stuff always a plus. Got my hands on a Halo lego set...which I plan to cover in protective plastic and sit on for 30 years to cash in on Ebay...if Ebay still exists.
- Suprisingly, there were ALOT of women at the convention too. And not the kind that occasionally play some regular Xbox Arcade games. These girls were knee deep in people's asses on the Halo gamecase and such.
- Video games are awesome.
- Booth babes...seriously....awesome.
25 August, 2011
"Thy Nerdom Come, I Will Have Fun...."
22 August, 2011
Charlie Mike
18 August, 2011
"Fear Me!...But Follow!"
09 August, 2011
"Women Will Always Push Their Values On You"
Both genders have their flaws. Guys are positively no better than women. The fun thing about how each gender sucks is that they suck in completely different ways. Guys tend to be abrasive, insensitive dicks. But that's a different blog entry.
I read this article and thought it was mildly amusing because it basically reinforces that guys need "dude time", or else bad things result. It's funnier because it indirectly sheds light on the fact that women do tend to step between dudes and their friends.
Yes, this is the part of the entry where I come off like a misogynistic freak.
As I pointed out, genders tend to suck in their own way. Where guys are complete douche bags, women tend to be mindlessly controlling and for some reason can ultimately end up believing they're your 2nd mother.
One of the most eye opening things I've heard in a while (and subsequently forgot who said) is that "women will always push their values on you". The more I thought about it, the more I tied it to the nature of nagging that some (not all, so put the torches and pitchforks down) women ultimately end up going to.
From the "you're going out with your friends again" whine to the "how many times do I need to tell you to use a dryer sheet" flame.
Look, just because we're in a relationship doesn't mean my friends take a backseat to you. And if I'm going to so far as to doing the laundry, I'm doing it the way I do laundry. I don't want my shirts and drawers smelling like sunshine and meadows of daisies. You don't like the dryer-sheet-free laundry? You do it.
I've had several friends now that once married, were completely cutoff from all society. And it's never a brazen proclamation by the woman saying "you are now my bitch! Grab my beltloop!" It's typically through a system of nagging and guilting. One friend I had for instance, for the duration of a 3 to 4 hour night we'd be out drinking, would result in him getting at least 2 calls from his wife, and approximately 20 text messages.
Again, I caveat...not all women. But a goooood percentage of them are, at least from my foxhole. So the message is this. We as guys need our dude time, and if you attempt to step between us and our friends, you will be painted in a very negative (and probably fairly so) light. If you want us to do chores, you don't get to set the standard as to how they will be done, because nobody made you Queen shit on how to do dishes. And for God's sake, every man has a mother, we don't need two of them.
08 August, 2011
Economics...You're Doing It Wrong
As I was sitting at my desk today eating lunch, I heard a very, very loud farting noise off in the distance. While my office is near the staff bathroom, it was not any person that ate the wrong thing.
It was our economy taking a massive dook and stinking up the whole place.
Dropping well over 600 points in one day, the news websites are now littered once again of people at Wall Street looking all sad-trombone-faced and pitful. (Which I don't understand, I mean, it's not their money)
While I am not an economist by any means, what is going on with our economy is a big pile of bull shiite. While I have no silver bullet for the economy, I can generally see the following a problem:
- Politicians duking it out until the last possible minute with this latest "debt ceiling" debacle, and acting like complete children in the process. Screw the Republicans for being dominated by the Tea Party nuts, and screw the Democrats for being ineffectual and rolling over on pretty much all fronts. And screw all involved for the self-congratulatory back patting and hand shaking on a "job well done" while over 80% of polled Americans think they acted like complete douches.
- Volitility. It seems in this day in age that if a mosquito farts in Central Asia, our Dow drops 100 points. I don't get this. "Consumer confidence"? Confidence in what? If Allen Greenspan sneezed the price of oil takes a shit and everyone loses their 401(k)s. How did our system get to this point when it used to be just about buying pieces of a company to make a profit? From what I understand, our giant point loss today was from our loss in credit rating (which, I think we deserve, because we're TRILLIONS of dollars in debt) and from fears of what's happening with Europes economy. Dude...really?
- Visas and Foreign Aid. How in the french fucking toast does our government rationalize dumping millions of dollars into assisting other countries and allowing work visas when our economy is going to hell in a handbasket and we have roughly a 10% unemployment rate. Oh sure, we'll cut spending to domestic programs such as medical benefits and mental health services, and yeah, the 1 in 10 Americans are unemployed, but lets go ahead and send millions of dollars over to Ethopia and give a bunch of Europeans the ability to come over and take our high tech, high paying jobs...get trained, and head home. Look, I'm not saying build a giant wall around the country and change our name to Deutchland. I am saying, we need to focus our financial priorities internally. We can't help anyone if we're going down the pipes. And from where I stand right now, I know when people are crying at Wall Street, bad things are happening.
- Subsidies. Okay, so we're giving money to companies who post annual profits. What? I mean seriously? We pay oil companies to produce oil? The same companies that bend us over at the pump (wow that is rife with innuendo) and have a strangle hold on our energy economy even now? And we're paying farmers to not grow crops so the cost of the individual units go higher? WTF. Who thought of subsidies?
- Tax breaks. I'm not claiming to know anything about tax code. That being said, whatever the tax code is, stick to it. Whatever tax breaks are provided by the President, regardless of the President, should be repealed. Just start over.
- Outsourcing. Yes, I get it. Companies that outsource have a higher profit margin because they capitalize on cheaper labor markets in expanding economies. That being said, I've cancelled credit cards because I didn't much care for the idea that someone literally half the planet away was looking at my stuff and trying to troubleshoot me in broken English. Don't get rid of outsourcing, but tax the holy bejeesus out of it to encourage companies to stay local. If more than 20% of their labor pool is out of the US, then just mark them as a non-US business and hammer punch them fiscally.
While I'm not going to jinx myself by saying I'm in a semi-economy resistant job, I kinda am. And unlike last time when this happened, and I was unemployed for a year, I'm glad I am where I am. But it's about time politicians pulled their heads out of their asses and fixed our shit. And no, don't do it for re-election, do it because it's your fucking jobs.
Where Am I And What's Going On??
Azurael: What?? Are you serious? God they'll pick anyone for that role! I'm still pissed about Halle Berry!
Hollywood: Well, we're still going to put her in a catsuit and boots.
Azurael: Throw in a motorcycle and you got yourself a deal.
04 August, 2011
"In All Reality, God Hates You".....
No Carbo Loading Here
01 August, 2011
Bonus Blog! Something Is Now Rotten
Did I Miss It?
As of today, I've had one glass of wine in the last 2 months. Enter into the non-smoking world and the weekends should continue to get much duller. Don't drink, don't smoke...what do I do?
Xbox. Lots of it. And when that gets old, I go back to the old school computer games that literally take weeks to beat (if you're playing them on the right difficulty level).
Oregon-B will be up this next weekend, won't he be dutifully suprised that his drinking buddy is on the wagon. Oh well, nothing ALOT of caffine can't replace!
I don't really have an end date of my prohibition on booze, I guess just when I know I've got a bit more self control and actually remember how to say "when"......oh yeah, and not wake up after a Saturday night bender with someone else's barf on the back of my shirt.
(And for the record, any grown non-Amish adult that says you can have fun without drinking is full of it.)