In looking back on some of my posts, in addition to my typical cynical viewpoints (which hey...I'm one cynical guy), I have come off as a bit of a misogynist. Given, I truly hate the gender wars, I'm still a huge fan of chicks. (and if you take offense to me referring to women as "chicks", you should probably go read a different blog).
In typical Azurael bullet list form, this is what I love about chicks:
1) The Ying To My Yang - The most basic element as designed by genetics, women are always there to compliment men. Even gay guys always have super close female friends, there is always the perfect woman to compliment any man out there. While opposites can sometime spark problems, there is obviously an upside to this.
2) Eye Candy - Don't get mad at me about this being #2. Women are just awesome to look at. The fact that women put alot into their looks...be it clothing, hair, whatever, women always make it a point to make sure they're rockin the house when they walk out the door. While it does disturb me that many women take hours to get ready, trust me as a guy, it doesn't go unappreciated.
3) The Smell - Chicks smell amazing. Period. I remember dating one girl in college and I didn't know whether it was her perfume, her shampoo, or even her fabric softener, but good gravy I couldn't get over how awesome she smelled. It was positively intoxicating.
4) The Support - At the risk of sounding like a "sense-y", I like the fact that guys can talk to women about feelings. Yes, we (guys...eerrr, straight guys) have feelings that we're not giant fans of talking about. Obviously, we can't talk to our guy friends about this because they'll probably end up throwing beer cans at us and laughing at us. Women are actually very down to listen to what's in your heart and actually offer some sound, deep souled advice (vs. your guy friend who would say "dude...you sound pretty fucking gay right now).
5) The adventurism in the bedroom - Chicks dress up (reference the image) for the bedroom. True, guys are more visual than women, the fact that women are willing to dress up both for the regular day and in the bedroom in unholy comfortable heels, skirts, corsets, etc..... it's just amazing. If you're a guy, when was the last time your girl asked you to dress up? And did you actually do it? Hmmm....
6) Confidence Sourcing - We as guys are allllllwaaaays guilty of practically breaking our necks when a hot chick walks by us. We try to use our peripheral vision to look, but unfortunately the prehistoric gene takes over and cranes our neck so we can take a mental image to store in our spank bank for later. But when chicks comment on how good we look, or if we catch them giving us the up-and-down, yeah...we feel like the king of the Greek Gods. Even fat chicks count on this one.
I'm going to stop here before I go off on a tangent, but yeah....even as cynical and hateful as I may seem...chicks are pretty fucking awesome.
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