I pretty much cried after reading this
announcement as the greatest bastion of free software/music/etc is
officially going down. Yes, The Pirate Bay (.org) is officially selling itself to become the next legal Napster.
Uhm. Sweet. No no no, f*ck that.
The greedy a-holes that bought it, Global Gaming Factory X AB (which will henceforth be called "Corporate
Butthole"), the CEO Hans
Pendeya (which will henceforth be called "The Taint") had this to quote
(1) The Pirate Bay is a site that is among the top 100 most visited Internet sites in the world," said GGF CEO Hans Pandeya. "However, in order to live on, The Pirate Bay requires (2) a new business model, which satisfies the requirements and needs of all parties, content providers, broadband operators, end users, and the judiciary. Content creators and providers need to control their content and get paid for it. (3) File sharers need faster downloads and better quality."
Okay, I put the numbers and underlined select quotes on this b.s. rambling because I'm doing exactly that, calling bullsh*t:
(1) This could very true there Hans Taint. But the reason why? BECAUSE IT'S A SOURCE OF FREE SOFTWARE!! Do you honestly f*cking believe, for a SECOND, that once it's a legal download source, that it'll still be up there? Hell to the no! Another Torrent tracker will be crowned king and you'll loose traffic worse then a low lying highway in a flood.
(2) Man, I remember hearing this from the company that bought mine, shortly before I was laid off. The whole "oh, we need to redo stuff. We need to fix stuff. We've got all this ideas and jizz jizz jizz". Uh no. You said it yourself. It's in the Top 100 visited sites. So unless to sell out or ruin something, why change the business model? Hell, even in college when I worked at a restaurant that had a smoking section, once we got rid of the smoking section, what happened? Yep! Lost half our patronage. Only a moron of a CEO would change anything about a site that receives that much traffic.
(3) No we don't. As an avid downloader of torrents, myself as well as us thousand others expect that for free stuff, we're going to have to deal with slower downloads and such. Honestly, I've gotten full length movies in under 5 minutes. The Corporate Butthole is simply trying to justify the incoming download fees under the guise of a better "user experience". Do they serious think we're that dumb?
And as for the owners of The Pirate Bay, er, previous owners. Yes, we got it. You've "fought the good fight" and yeah, yeah "you're gotten no thanks" or whatever. Doing the right thing would not have allowed a corporation, for whom you had previous posted cease and desist letters
located here against, to take over your
organization. The RIGHT thing to do would have been to take your site offline. But instead, you're trading in your fight and everyone that's joined behind you, and did what Napster did... gave it to some CEO to make crap tons of money on, and further the cause of "
the new owners plan to make it a legal service that allows 'content providers and copyright owners [to] get paid for content that is downloaded via the site." Great. Fuel the
organisations that have screwed generations of music and movie lovers out of TONS of money for a single album, DVD.
Thanks guys. Go ahead and hop on The Wheel. And as for the Corporate
Butthole that bought the site, I will never visit it again. So I hope your "potential profits" crumble, you industry grovelling a-holes.