Only now, instead of pulling the "illegal war, I'm going to run away like a little girl", he's pulling the "Obama wasn't born in the U.S., so he can't be President, so I'm going to run away like a little girl" excuse.
Yeah, you didn't read that wrong. He's arguing that the birth certificate presented is fake, and thusly, he cannot engage in wartime activities outside the US if he's under orders by someone other then the President.
So, lemme get this straight there Major. Remember that 30 page background check you had to fill out in order to get a Security clearance upon joining the Army? Remember having to list everything, and provide documentation to prove your eligible to serve? The fact that they stopped short of asking how many molars you had? You don't think the President had a similar background check? You honestly think the CIA would allow a non-citizen to take the Office of the President?
How f**king stupid are you?? Although I think you are personally pissing all over everyone that's gone over there, if you honestly think that, you shouldn't be over there, because you're going to end up getting people killed. How the f**k did you become a Major?? What G1 did you pay off to get that rank?? It was 10 years from Captain to Major when I was in, apparently the Army doesn't even require intelligence anymore!
Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, you are a f**king coward. Get out of my Army, and get on the wheel!
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