they think this is how you do it. Yeah, that dumb.
So in passing I saw an article where these two oxygen thieves claimed 9/11 was an inside job. My standard rant aside about how complete ignorant and retarded this theory is, I find their moron statement compounded only by that of talking of "The New World Order" theory. Seriously? If said order existed, would they really want the world now? Why haven't they taken the world already?
I swear to everything that is intelligent, these two spoiled d-bags apparently just sh*t on enough people or enough stuff to stay relevant. And when they can't do that, they just say something so inherently stupid, the press must cover them.
I wouldn't even put these a-holes on the wheel, I would put them in a rocket and send their a$$ to Pluto. That way, no one on Earth would have to get any more stupid from their existence, and they wouldn't know where they are because I'm pretty sure they believe Pluto to be a cartoon dog.
Holy crap I hate these people. F*CK YOU TWO.
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