I heard your song today at the gym, so I decided to look up Kathmandu and found out what it looks like. This apparently is what the place you want to go to so badly locks like. Kinda like Illinois with adobe type architecture and an financial institution based economy.
Bob, I think it's important to know that if you really want to go there, you should just go. Although I do value any persons aspirations, the fact that you decided to begin telling me about your aspirations at 5:15 am this morning at the gym, all the while I was grueling through my calisthenics, was not appreciated.
Listen, I don't care if you're going to Antartica to drill for a new source of energy...if you're deciding you need to share this with the world, please make the song shorter then 3 hours, and please do not tell me this at 5:15 in the morning. I won't remember, and 10 to 1, it'll probably just piss me off to know that apparently you're stuck in a place whereas prohibits you otherwise from getting on a plane, taking your crappy song, and going...to Kathmandu.
So in closing Bob, either just go, or shut the hell up. By the way, it's Kathmandu...with an h. Spelling! You're doing it wrong!
Hugs and snuggles,
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