The first we all see when playing a multiplayer match with players 'round the world is your gamer tag. Beyond this, at least I, usually check the game stats of the players on both teams to figure out how much experience they have and what level they've reached.
But back to the gamertags. Look peoples...if you choose to have your gamer tag something akin to the ever smack talk example of "thab3sth4lokilla" or "HaloDestroyer", then you'd better be good..plain and simple. If you're the kind of person who get's negative scores consistantly though out the evening, or if you're the d-bag that drops out of a match, after it starts, you probably shouldn't have a gamer tag like "n00bdestroya" or "killbot1billion". Honestly, it just doesn't fit.
If you're going to play like a d-bag, just go ahead and spend the cash and change your gamertag to that. If not? No worries, it'll just make it that much more enjoyable to beat you in the game and give you a virtual tea-baggin' the likes of which no frat boy has ever seen.
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