I'm going to stray away from my standard code of items I won't blog about to blog about the biggest atrocity, legal wise, I think I've seen in a very long time.
Make sure you're sitting, be far away from weapons, and read this News Article.
If you don't see anything wrong with it, please choke yourself now.
If you're blindly pissed off, please regain control, put the baseball bat down, wait for the flash of white hot rage to subside, and continue reading.
There is so much wrong with this article, I feel like a contestant on Supermarket Sweep, and I have no idea where the diaper isle is.
The town is actually "split" over the fact that this teacher not only refuses orders from his superiors, teaches creationism in the classroom....oh yeah, and burns students with a scientific instrument. Split?! There are people in that town that actually doubt he should have been fired? Let's dismantle the oxygen thieves waining arguments right now shall we?
How many times did I read this and read "freedom of religion" coming to his defense. Alright dumb asses, dust off your education caps because we're going to step back to the First Amendment. There is no confusion over this amendment (unlike the "supposed" confusion over the Second Amendment...but I'll cover that later). The First Amendment does not grant Freedom of Religion to all, it prevents the establishment or favoring of one religion over another by a governmental authority.
Secondly, if this meatball did teach creationism in his classroom, why the hell didn't the students stage an uprising? I remember my peers in High School would produce burning torches and pitchforks out of thin air if anything religion related reared it's head at any time. Had he tried to teach creationism at my school, he would have gotten two words about before at least 5-10 stoners would have thrown a beaker of sulfuric acid at his noodle and yelled "get f**ked!"
Authors Note: If you haven't already guessed, I'm against teaching creationism in schools. School is for learning such things as processes and empirical wisdom. It's not a place to teach stuff that isn't education...creationism isn't education, sports is not education....and for that matter, "music appreciation" is a huge joke.
Finally, there's a matter of 3-8 (three to eight? How do they not have a firm number?) students having crosses burned into their arm. Enter the defense "they're not crosses, they're X's"...enter my disgust for complete morons "they're still burned into their arms, and still by your equipment".
I never thought that half of a town could be stricken by stupidity, but I guess dumb multiplied by 100 is just too much dumb.
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