Thank you for stopping by my office and informing me of my mistakes. I always take pride in my work and hate to know that I have short comings as a professional and as I represent my company.
Thank you for reminding me that the sublease which I spent three solid weeks berating Company executives to sign was incomplete. I appreciate that now, after potentially digging myself in a hole via bothering my bosses for that document, only now do you tell me that you needed six completely original signed copies. I'm appreciative of the fact that I now have to go back and let them know they need to perform additional printing/signing/mailing due to faith I put in you.
I guess I should accept complete fault for not pointing out in my Master's level classes in Human Resources that I really should have a few classes on real estate law and sublease legalities. Because everyone knows that I was going to be spearheading said sublease four years later.
And if I'd actually bothered to charge up my crystal ball while you were talking to you, maybe, just maybe, I could have figured out that you wanted six copies instead of one. Because taking into account the amount of stalking you've done for that one document, I should have predicted via Tarot cards that when you said/wrote/emailed "original signed sublease"...it should have read "original signed subleases".
Finally, I would like to apologize that I've never met a Sith lord from the Dark Side of the force. I've been so lax in my duties in HR that I've neglected not only Real Estate law, but also the Force. Had I actually gotten off my lazy a$$ and found a Sith Lord to emulate, I would have justified my existence by learning the ways of the Force, and finding strength, victory, and power through a passionate use of my hatred. Then, I would have lightning-blasted your a$$ Emperor-Palpatine-v.-Luke-Skywalker/Return-Of-The-Jedi Style so fast you'd have thunderclaps for farts.
I'll make you a deal. I'll forego the powers of the Force, and instead, if I get you the copies of the sublease you need, can I ask you for answers next time I have a question regarding COBRA continuation of qualifying events through the event of a mutual-company asset only purchase as it applies to employees in a post-employed, retroactive insurance situation?
Let me know you a$$hat!
Love, Azurael
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