Much to my surprise today, I went to the dentist and ended up cavity free! Usually I sit there after the hygenist has gone over my teeth with the "fish hook on a stick" (thanks Steve), and as the dentist pokes through my mouth, says the horrible word "occlusion". So it was pretty much like winning the lottery,were I laying down after a middle age woman sodomized my mouth with sharp, metal instruments and then was told I'd won the lottery.
Beyond that, did my first and second Notarization today. Felt pretty good about the first one until I realized I biff it. So much for that "in-depth" online training. Sheesh. Instead of the awkward wording in old english of me attesting that someone signed something, it should just be a paragraph that says "Yep, he was here...check out both his and my signature".
I'm just saying.
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