25 Jan 08 - I fired my WTF guns, all barrels hot, at fatties. I pointed out the fact that anyone who fails to strive to be better, favoring "being satisfied with their station in life" is a complete failure. In my mega-rant against the bacon flavored oxygen thieves, I also mentioned that they are a cause for the rise in healthcare costs. Weeellll, according to this article, skinny people actually cost the government more money then fat people due to the fact that fat people die sooner then skinny people. So although year for year, fat people do accrue more healthcare costs v skinny people, over a lifetime, skinny people do more fiscal damage.
So, despite the fact that short term, high dollar costs from fat people damage the healthcare system, I'll agree that this article has merit. But I would also like to stress this still does not make being fat okay.
So my correction being made, I then saw this little Jem:
01 Nov 07 - I gloated over the fact that the "Westboro Church" (a.k.a. FAIL\) was fined $11 million dollars for protesting at a dead Marine's funeral, right in front of a grieving father, for all the world to see. For some reason, which the new article wouldn't list why, the settlement has been cut in half. I'm definately rewarding the justice system with a giant WTF.
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